Sammy champlain

The Life of Samuel De Champlain

  • Jul 9, 1567

    Samuel de Champlain was born

    Samuel de Champlain was born
    July 9 1570, Samuel de Champlain was born in Brouage, France. He is known today as "The Father of New France". Champlain's success started at him being born in a family of master mariners, which soon helped him in his expeditions.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1570 to

    Samuel de Champlain

  • Champlain starts life

    Champlain starts life
    Over the years Champlain grows up in a family of master mariners. This skill will soon help him in his exploration to New France. He also inherrits the skill of navigation from his father a sea capatin.
  • The Begining of his exploration

    The Begining of his exploration
    Canada is inhabited by the Algonquin Indians. Champlain would soon come to meet them and form an alliance.
  • Champlain Founds Port Royal

    Champlain Founds Port Royal
    Champlain has come to buliding a settlement at Port Royal, and insists on founding it as well. He would like to be the founder to have more controll over the settlement.
  • Champlain makes a home

    Champlain makes a home
    Champlain comes to what is now Quebec and builds the first building habitation. Living in the building are 28 men and himself.
  • Champlain maps Quebec

    Champlain maps Quebec
    Champlain makes his first rough map of Quebec, of all the forests, open land and sea. This will help him to find his way through the new land.
  • Champlain fights the Iroquious

    Champlain fights the Iroquious
    With the alliance made between himself and the Indians, they go to battle the Iroquious with the Indians. Champlain did this so the Algonquin people would help him with his journey.
  • Champlain studies the Algonquin

    Champlain studies the Algonquin
    Champlain has now gained the trust of the Algonquin. He has started to study their ways of life to help them more than he already has. Afterwards they would give him even more help with the fur trading monopoly.
  • Champlain returns to Quebec

    Champlain returns to Quebec
    Champlain has traveled long but soon is called by Louis XIII to come back to Quebec imediatly. So he was on his way sailing back to France for Louis XIII needed him back.
  • The war begins

    The war begins
    Champlain and the French are battling against England for the land for now claimed by the French. The battle may take many years to end for the land was very good.
  • French surrender to war

    French surrender to war
    At this point the French are tired and can fight no longer. They surrender against England And let them claim the new land.
  • Champlain passes

    Champlain passes
    On December 25, Christmas day, Champlain passes away after a life of 68 years.