Map new france

History Sec. 4

  • May 14, 1000

    Extra info!

    Extra info!
    For extra info that I couldn't fit into the boxex see the comments section below.
  • Period: May 14, 1000 to May 14, 1492

    Indian Nations

    Natives were the first people to settle here. They came about 30 000 years ago. There are two main Native nations: Iroquois and Algonquin. The Iroquois were a matriarchy; the leader was a woman. They were a sedentary nation; they stayed in one place. They lived in the St-Lawrence Lowlands and lived in long houses. They're farmers. The Algonquin were patriarchy; the leader was a man. They were a nomadic nation; they moved around constantly. They lived in the Canadian Shield. They hunted.
  • Period: May 14, 1000 to


    Religion has been with us since year 1. The two main religions in New France/Quebec was Protestant (English) and Catholic (French). Both are Christians and for a while both countires were the same religion. That's until Martin Luther was excommunicated. He created this new religion and it caught on when the King of England wanted to divorce his wife and Catholic rules say you cannot. The Natives had a spererate religion, they pary to the forest and animals.
  • May 14, 1492

    The Search for a Route to Asia

    The Search for a Route to Asia
    In 1492, Christopher Columbus tried to discover a new (Western) route to Aisia becuase the Turkish had blocked off the passage through the Mediterranean Sea. The reason that the four Superpowers (England, France, Spain and Portugal) wanted to get to Asia was becuase there were some very valuable products in Asia. (i.e. Gold, Silk and Spices)
  • May 14, 1497

    John Cabot

    John Cabot
    In 1497, representing England, Cabot landed on the east coast of Canada.
  • May 14, 1534

    Jaques Cartier

    Jaques Cartier
    Jaques Cartier had three voyages to the New World. The first was in 1534. In 1534, Cartier explored and mapped the Gulf of St-Lawrence. He then returned to France and reported what he found to the king. Cartier found what he thought was gold. He also found alrge quantities of fish, timber, and fur.
  • May 14, 1535

    Jaques Cartier

    Jaques Cartier
    In 1535, Cartier came back to the New World. This time, he sailed up the St-Lawrence and reached Stadacona (Quebec). Friendly Natives showed the Europeans how to survive the winter and scurvy. In return, the Europeans take the Natives as prisoners and return to France. (One of the prisoners was Chief Donacona)
  • May 14, 1541

    Jaques Cartier

    Jaques Cartier
    In 1541, Cartier returned for his thrid and final time. This time was different. This time, Cartier tried to set up a colony, but it failed. The Europeans couldn't survive the winter. France lost intrest in the New World for 60 years.
  • Samuel de Champlain

    Samuel de Champlain
    In 1605, The King of France sent a voyage to establish a settlement in Nova Scotia called Port Royal.(Samuel de Champlain was a part of Port Royal)Port Royal failed because of its position.
    Champlain returned in 1608-09 to establish a trading post near Stadacona (Quebec) so that he could trade with the Natives.
  • Period: to

    Fur Trade

    When Champlain bulit his trading post, he started to trade with the Natives. The Natives gave the Europeans Fur for shiny objects like metal plates, bracelets, forks and many other little things. Eventually, the European demand for Fur became so great that the Natives wanted more than just little toys, the Europeans started giving the Natives knives and guns for large quantities of Fur pelts. Although Fur was so popular, beaver hats eventually (1850) went out of style ending the Fur trade.
  • Jean Talon

    Jean Talon
    Once the King of France took power he wanted to encourage settlement, so he put Jean Talon, an Intendant, on the job. Talon took just about anyone he could get, except for Huguenots (French Protestants). Soldiers were offered free land if they agreed to stay in New France after their service was done. Minor criminals trying to escape going to prison in France. Files du roi (Orphan Girls), from the streets of France were sent. Finally, payments were also given to couples who married youn
  • The Royal Government

    The Royal Government
    Under the old system, the companies who held a monopoly were almost destroying New France. The king ended the monopoly and placed New France under the Minister of Marine who at the time was Jean-Baptiste Colbert. He and Louis decided to implement Royal Government in 1663.The King and the Minister of Marine would remain in France as the Sovereign Council ran New France directly.
  • Period: to

    The 7 Year War

    This is the fourth Intercolonial war. The British try for many years to take New France by land. This was unsuccessful, so a sea attack was planned. The English first take Louisbourg an extremely powerful fort.They then sail down river to attack Quebec, a battle which would decide the colony of New France and the future of Canadian History.
  • The Quebec Act

    The Quebec Act
    The Quebec Act was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain setting procedures of governance in the Province of Quebec. The principal components of the act were the province's territory was expanded to take over part of the Indian Reserve, including much of what is now southern Ontario, plus Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin and parts of Minnesota. The oath of allegiance was replaced with one that no longer made reference to the Protestant faith.
  • Period: to

    The American Revolution

    The American Revolution was the political upheaval during the last half of the 18th century in which Thirteen Colonies in North America joined together to break free from the British Empire, They first rejected the authority of the Parliament of Great Britain to govern them from overseas without representation and then expelled all royal officials.
  • Declaration of Independance

    Declaration of Independance
    The Declaration of Independence was a statement adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, which announced that the Thirteen Colonies, then at war with Great Britain, were independent. They were no longer a part of the British Empire.
  • The Treaty of Versailles/Paris

    The Treaty of Versailles/Paris
    The Treaty of Versailles/Paris ended the American Revolutionary War. On 3 September 1783, representatives of King George III of Great Britain signed a treaty in Paris with representatives of the United States of America.