Muhammad's birth
Muhammad was born in the city of Mecca in the year 570 A.D. The city is now located in moderm day Saudi Arabia. -
Apr 24, 610
First Revelation.
Muhammad recieved his first revelation on Mount Hira at the age of fourty. He believed he was going mad. He had more visions later on and shared them with his family and friends. -
Feb 27, 620
Muhammad preaches in Mecca
Muhammad starts ro preach his revelations in 610 A.D. and continues until 622 A.D. In his preaching he publically condems tribal gods and symbols of faith in Mecca, which causes him to be presecuted by authority figures in the city. -
Oct 11, 620
Night Journey
Muhammad reports being carried all the way to Jeruslam and meeting with all of the great prophets before him. -
Dec 31, 622
The Hijra
Muhammad and his followers flee to Medina due to the presecution they recieved in Mecca from the pagans. This is the time where Muhammad changes from a preahcer of the faith to a crusader. He takes and army up again sthe pagan meccans and later conqured Mecca in the name of Islam. -
Jun 8, 632
Death of Muhammad
Muhammad's last days were spent issuing orders and cursing the Christains and the Jews. He died and was buried in Medina. He was succeded by Abu Bakr to lead the Muslim people. -
Started working as a Caravan driver
He traveled across manycountries and he was aware of the religions of Judaism and Christianity. -
Married to Khadijah
Muhammad is married to his distant cousin Khadijah. She eventually becomes his first follower. Referred to by Muslims as the "Mother of the Believers."