The Life of Brendan Bute

  • My favorite kind of music.

    I love 80s music. I just love how they make the music. Just every song on the radio from the 80s I can sing pretty well.
  • Period: to

    The Life of Brendan Bute

    This is the story of a young boys life, so far.
  • When He Was Born

    Brendan D. Bute was born on September 26th 2005 in Virginia.
  • Broken arm

    One day I was at my neighbour's house and we were jumping on their trampoline. I was lying on the trampoline while they were jumping and Dalton jumped on my arm on accident.
  • Leaving SDS

    I was at a school named Sait Dominic Savio. I was there until 3rd grade and I was really sad that I wouldn't be with my best friends, but I would make friends by making others happy.
  • 4th grade

    My year in 4th grade was really weird. I was sounded by a bunch of smart people that did things quicker than me. At the time, I was really the only one with a child like a mind, so my thoughts were this. If I want to be in the class that wins a lot of things I must learn the ways of my classmates and adapt to this stranded island of smarties.
  • 5th grade

    In 5th grade, I was getting smarter and smarter. but everyone else was very nice to me that year. My teacher Mr Bowen was one of the coolest people I have met. On the first day, we did bottle rockets. They were really cool and fun. In the end, I got a
    ????????? "girlfriend' ??????????
  • 6th grade

    In 6th grade, I had a lot of fun. The teachers where nice and the classes were very easy. I kind of spread some rumours about me.
  • My quote breakup quote

    So I had asked my "girlfriend" to be my girlfriend at the beginning of winter break, well the thing is that her friend told me that she didn't want me to be her boyfriend ( this didn't affect me. I just need timeline stories)
  • summer journey

    Summer Journey was short but fun. I got to meet some of the teachers I might get to spend my 7th grade with.