Secretive Conseption
My mother and father was having their 3rd year wedding anniversary when a miracle happened -
Ready to deliver
my mother was in constant pain with me and was ready to have me btu it was not the time -
An angel was born given the name Ashley
I had developed into a beautiful dark infant. i had the features of my father and a smile like my mother -
Period: to
In the beginning God created Ashley Mckenzie
Cooking Time
My mother enjoyed teaching me how cook even as an infant I would watch her and began to grab things as if i were cooking. This played a role on my brain development because It allowed me to associate myself with what she was doing -
My teeth had come in and I was ready to use them!
Nervous about going to daycare but had to go!!
I was attached to my mom and didnt want to leave her side. My emotional attachment was strong because she was always there for me -
Ready or not here I come
As i had grown to be a toddler my mother still seemed to have been my security. I would cry whenever she would leave and gladly become happy wen she would return home. -
Summer Fun for all
I had developed healthy and friendly social habits. I made freinds often and for some apparent reason i would become sad when i had to leave school because they were not there. -
Creating new Synapses
School was very exciting to me. My mother told me that I enjoyed picking up items trying to name them. And then I would still help her do house chores such as cook,clean, and even developed an interest in bathing our dog we at that time. My cognitive development skills were on the rise to learning and soaking up more knowledge. -
Birthday Spurt!
I had turned 12 years old and developing physically esp my feminine features. i thought this was due to genetics but it is due to develpment of age!! i was excited that I had these girlish qulaities. -
Emotional rollercoaster
Around this time i was now 13 and had began to experience true emotions for the opposite sex. i had crushes and also had made new freinds. My life was just beginning around this time was the point where i felt i was independent. Still no stability in myself i depended on others to make me happy. -
Growth growth and more Growth
things hasd become hectic around this time. I just gotten my period and also seemed like my feet were growing still. I once wore a nine and now im wearing a 11. I was really upset and also seeking to know why i am as tall as i am 5"8. My freinds were shorter more petite and here i seemed to be this Giant!. i was told i had reached my stage and will stop growing so i was excited about this! -
Expected Success
By the age of 30 I will have graduated and became a Physical Therapist. Physically i will be smaller in size but greater in mind. I also believe that my brain would be more focus physically on things that are important such as health. -
Loving the opportunities
mentally around the age of 31 i would have progressed to knowing my purpose. Accodring to the spiritual developmental stage i will be in Stage 4 the Individual/reflective stage knowing and developing a personal relationship with God. My mind set will also be on finding the perfect mate and/or if i am in a relationship developing a plan -
3 is the lucky number
at 33 i plan to be established and on my way to creating either restaurant on shelter for the poor. Menatlly this will allow me to control something outside of my home in a good way and allow me to discover characteristics about myself that i never knew were there. -
Emotional escape
At 34 i pray to still be emotionally stable allowing time for myself and my family. I plan to keep my emotions on the Lord for strength esp during the time i begin to feel down or sad. i know the future will hold great things for me. I assume that my buisness will be booming like no other this will contribute to joy as well -
Goodies but oldies
At the age of 45 i will be considering retirement and funds of stability. Planning ahead keeps me mentally stable and ready to make the next move. also by planning ahead and making notes this also helps me to develop cognitivly. -
Age difined
The best things in life happen when you are about to hit the age of 40. This year i will be 38 and in my years of just beginning to live life as the old folk say. This will contribute to my social life. I know i will be more involved in church events and and family affairs and if kids are present in my life i know they will be about to get out of the house around this age. The downfall of being this age is the bird leaving the nest syndrome. This to shall pass and allow me to make new friends. -
Clock Winding down
As my age progresses to my ealry 40's I assume life would be just beginning and coming together as far as a family and houselhold of children. Emotionally i plan to be stable and capable of holding my household into one Happy family. I plan to be an Authoritariative household. Communication willl be the center of my life and i will be sure that everyone will be available and able to make time for oneanother. -
your emotions take a tole on you at this age. you feel useless, old, and purposeless i assume. I plan to stay active and attractive. If it is God's will my husband will still be alive and we will be one with each other. Even when our health deteriorates our love will stay strong causing emotional peace. -
50 is the new 21
Physically i plan to good looking for my age by keeping up with proper diet, exercise, and clothes that suit my frame. I am sure there are other worries that may come about but they will not take a physical tole on me. i always want to be attractive in my own eyes. and youthful looking. it is known fact that African amercians look younger longer! -
future plans
I can only pray that my eye sight and hearing does not deteriorate. I am excited to see how my grand kids have turned out and how my children will have become older. also during this stage i can hope that simple functions for daily living are still capable of being done by meyself. -
Who cares?
Nursinf homes, or caregivers will be the main tw concerns in my life at this age. not to say i will need them but they will be of good use in another 5-10 yrs. This is also the ctricle time to start advancing my thought processes and doing leisure activities so that alzheimer's and forgetfulness won't kick in. -
life goes on!
At the age of 80 i really do not know what will be left for me to do. Preparing for death will be obe of those things i will find myself at peace with because throughtout my life spiritually i will have served God with all my mind,body,and soul. -
Final Chapter
When all is said and done i have lived a good life, Sucks being dead but now that my life has been lived, the Lord has my soul and nothing can do me no harm. i can only pray that i rise on the first ressurection!