The Invention of Computers

  • Konrad Zuse

    Konrad Zuse
    Konrad Zuse was born in the year 1910 and past away 1995.He was a construction engineer for the Henschel Aircraft Company in Berlin, Germany. Konrad was given the title "inventor of the modern computer",for his series of automatic calculators . He dissmissed that title because he still thought of himself as equal if not more important then his successors.
  • Douglas Engelbart

    Douglas Engelbart
    Douglas Engelbart was born in Portland, Oregon on January 30, 1925. Engelbart always worked on his challenges with human-computer interaction. He graduated from Portland's Franklin High School in 1942.Engelbart's research was funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). He also eithier contributed or invented the computer mouse, windows, computer video teleconferencing, hypermedia, groupware, email, the Internet and more.
  • Zuse's computers

    Zuse's computers
    In 1936, Zuse made a mechanical calculator called the Z1,(first binary computer). Floating-point arithmetic, high-capacity memory and modules or relays operating on the yes/no principle, were all technologies in the caculator development. Zuse's ideas were not completed in Z1, so he began to make more in the future. Zuse mad a Z1 and a Z2, but unfortunatley they were destoryed in the war. So he left for Zurich to finish his work on the Z4, he smuggled the Z4 from Germany in a military truck.
  • Professor John Atanasoff, Clifford Berry

    Professor John Atanasoff, Clifford Berry
    Professor John Atanasoff and graduate student Clifford Berry built the world's first electronic-digital computer at ISU between 1939 and 1942. Thier computer included the following, binary system of arithmetic, parallel processing, regenerative memory, and a separation of memory and computing functions. They were the first to patent a digital computing device, the ENIAC computer.They also created the first computing machine to use electricity, vacuum tubes, binary numbers and capacitors.
  • The Harvard MARK I Computer

    The Harvard MARK I Computer
    Howard Aiken and Grace Hopper designed the MARK series of computers at Harvard University.This computer was 55 feet long and 8 feet high, it wieghed 5-tons and contained almost 760,000 separate pieces. The computer, was controlled by pre-punched paper tape, and could carry out addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and reference to previous results.
  • Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs
    Steve Jobs is listed as the primary or co-inventor on 241 patents. Some say he might just be the greatest inventor of our age. Steven Paul Jobs February 24, 1955 San Francisco, California and sadly died October 5, 2011. The top 13 best inventions would have to be the Power Adapter ,iPhone OS / iOS,Magic Mouse,iPod Shuffle,iPhone4,iPad,Apple III,iMac G3,USB Mouse, iPod,PowerMac G3,iMac G4, and the iPod GUI.
  • Dynamic Random Access Memory chip

    Dynamic Random Access Memory chip
    The picture on the left is the new formed Intel company publicly released the 1103, the first DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) chip (1K bit PMOS dynamic RAM ICs), By 1972 it was the best selling semiconductor memory chip in our world. Dr. Robert H. Dennard, and his team attention was caught to memory chips by seeing another team's research with thin-flim magnetic memory.
  • The First Personal Computer

    The First Personal Computer
    Bill Gates has been programming computers since age of thirteen.In 1980, IBM first approached Bill Gates of Microsoft, to talk about the state of home computers and asked questions about what Microsoft products could do for IBM.This was the first brand new operating system from Microsoft, with a 16-bit computer operating system called MS-DOS 1.0.
  • Apple IIGS

    Apple IIGS
    Steve Wozniak,designed the first Apple computers and he was old freinds with Steve Jobs, The Apple I and the Apple II. The IIGS was the first Apple computer system to utilize the Apple Desktop Bus.Later it was incorporated into the Macintosh line of computers. Apple has focuses on making smaller computers.
  • iMac

    The idea of the iMac was a source of discussion in 1998. Overtime the looks of the iMac have changed. On July 27, 2010, Apple updated its line of iMacs to feature the new Intel Core processors across the line. The picture to the left is the iMac Intel. This computer features either an Intel Core i5, or Intel Core i7 processor, Radeon HD 6750M graphics or a Radeon HD 6770M with options to upgrade to the HD 6970M (27" model only), and a choice of glossy 21.5" or 27