Steam Engine
Thomas Savery invented the steam engine to help remove water that seeped into the bottom of coal mines. This was created in England and converts the heat energy of steam into mechanical energy by movment in a cylinder. This changed society because it didnt need human energy or power to work. -
Cornelius Drebbel invented the first submarine in England. The submarine was used to travel under water and was used in the American Revolution. This changed society because it made travelling easier and unseen for army porposes. -
Georges Louis Lesage was the inventor of the Telegraph. This was capable of sending a message for short distances but didnt become popular until much later, when Morse Code was created. The telegraph used a different wire for each letter of the alphabet. It was invented in the U.S. -
Cotton Gin
Invented by Eli Whitney when he recognized the ongoing problem of removing seeds from cotton. The Cotton gin works by having a worker twist the handle and it uses teeth to pick the seeds out of cotton. This was used in the United States in Georgia and it changed society. It majorly increased the amount of cotton being produced each day and this meant getting slaves off the farm and now having workers in a factory. -
Fulton's Steamboat
Robert Fulton invented the Steamboat when he was asked to construct a stweamboat for Robert Livingston. Fulton's steamboat was special because it was the first to be first to be successful in American.Fulton's steamboat allowded people to travel over water at a faster pace. This changed the transportation aspect of society. The steamboat was a cheaper and quicker way to travel through the US.