Thomas Newcomen's Steam engine
Thomas Newcomen invented the steam engine that allowed people to pump water out of coal mines at great depths. The steam engine could extract more water, more efficiently than ever before. -
James Watt's Steam Engine
James what took Thomas Newcomen's ideas and critiqued them so that they could then be used for anything that would aquire large amounts of man labor. It sped up the production of many products along with setting up a base for cars. -
Adam Smith: the father of economics
Adam Smith created the free market economy which enabled businesses and vendors to sell their goods at their own prices in order to compete for business. -
Eli Whitney's Cotton Gin
The cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney. This machine was used to speed up the process of separating the cotton seeds from it's fibers. -
Robert Ownen
Robert Owen's main accomplishment was about how he created a social system. He encouraged people to get along, abolished child work, set up schools for all ages, had a health fund to pay a doctor to see anyone that was sick, and he created a village store where quality goods were sold. He decided to write books and letters just so that he could spread his ideas. -
Robert Fulton's Steamboat
Robert Fulton created the first successful, commercial steamboat. The first steamboat ever made was by john fitch. Fulton tested his commercial steamboat by having it travel between New York City and Albany New York. On the first part of his journey between NYC and Albany he had no passenggers then on the way back he took some with him back to NYC. -
John Wesley's first indutrial plastic.
John Wesley was motivated by the need for a substitute for ivory, along with a 10,000 dollar reward for finding a substitute. He used the idea of a British thinker Alexander Parkes, except Wesley added camphor to Parkes compound which resulted to be what was neccessary to make the plastic. The plastic's properties included it was able to be molded at mild temperatures, then when cooled became solid and very strong. -
Elias' Sewing Machine
The first plans for the sewing machine were created by Elias Howe. This invention revolutionized the garment industry and sped up making clothing along with other sewing products that used to be done by hand. -
Cyrus Field's Atlantic Cable
Field started working at 15 and retired by the age of 33. He was able to do this because he was working for a well paying company so he left a wealthy man. He then had time to try to invent new things, so he decided on the Atlantic Cable. He started his journey in 1854 and failed many times until he arranged with Queen Victoria to send a telegraphic message to the U.S. president. Successful at last; this was short lived, it only lasted about three weeks. It wasnt completely finished till 1866.