Thomas Newcomen
Created the first practical steam engine for pumping water. -
John Kay
He invented the flying shuttle. It was one of the key developments in the Industrial Revolution. It was used for weaving fabrics and could weave wider fabrics than a single weaver. -
Jeremy Bentham
He was an english philosopher and political radical. He was most known for his principal of utilitarianism. -
Adam Smith
He was a Scottish moral philosopher who wrote "The Wealth of Nations". -
James Watt
He created an improved steam engine based off of the one that Newcomen made. -
Samuel Crompton
Created the spinning mule which is used to spin cotton and other fibers. -
Henry Cort
He patented the puddling process for refining iron ore. -
Nicolas LeBlanc
Discovered how to make soda from commom salt. -
Eli Whitney
Invented the Cotton Gin. The cotton gin quickly seperates cotton fibers from their seeds. -
Robert Fulton
He invented the steamboat. The steamboat was used for travels in the rivers. -
Robert Owen
He was a british social reformer. He also had Lanark mills. -
Cyrus Field
He created the first Atlantic telegraph comapny and laid the first telegraph cable across the Atlantic ocean. The telegrpah allowed people to communicate with each other.