The Industrial Revolution

  • Eli Whitney invents cotton gin.

    Eli Whitney invents cotton gin.
    Eli Whitney creates the cotton gin (engine), which can clean large amounts of raw cotton. I chose this significant event because I didn't know what the cotton gin was and when it was invented.
  • Riots began

    Riots began
    The riots lasted until 1815. Workers smashed up factories and equipment to protest because they would fear that machines will replace them. These people were known as Luddites. I chose this significant event because nowadays people are scared that robots will end up taking over peoples jobs but there are also so many more jobs being created as well.
  • The first 10-storey skyscraper is built

    The first 10-storey skyscraper is built
    The first 10-storey skyscraper was built in Chicago and the longest suspension bridge at this time, the Brooklyn Bridge in New York, is completed. I chose this significant event because I find it interesting to learn about the first 10-storey skyscraper and where it was built.
  • Karl Benz uses an engine in the first automobile

    Karl Benz uses an engine in the first automobile
    Karl Benz uses an internal combustion engine in the first automobile. I chose this significant event because I was interested in the first car.
  • The Titanic

    The Titanic
    The world's largest passenger steamship hit an iceberg in the north-west Atlantic Ocean and sank. 1517 people died! I chose this significant event because I find the titanic interesting and I like the movie.