Period: to
Events from The Industrial Revolution
The Seed Drill-Jethro Tull
The seed drill, which he invented in 1701, allowed the farmers to sow seeds in well-spaced rows at specific depths. When his invention was used,more seeds grew successfully. As a result, crop yields increased even more which meant farmers produced more food. it feed them alot more. -
The Steam Engine-Thomas Newcomen
he invented the "Atmospheric Steam Engine
It motorized trains and boats. -
The Spinning Jenny - James Hargreaves
In 1764, a British carpenter and weaver named James Hargreaves invented an improved spinning jenny, a hand-powered multiple spinning machine that was the first machine to improve upon the spinning wheel.
The original spinning jenny used eight spindles instead of the one found on the spinning wheel. A single wheel on the spinning jenny controlled eight spindles which created a weave using eight threads spun from a corresponding set of rovings.
The labor saving devices threatened workers. -
The Water Frame-Richard Arkwright
In 1769 Richard Arkwright invented the Water Frame. The water frame used water from a near-by stream to operate the spinning wheels. Spinning could be done by a machine instead of a person, so owners could spin more cotton. -
The Power Loom-Reverend Edmund Cartwright
Rev Edmund Cartwright's invention of the power loom, this used water as power instead of steam power. It sped up weaving process. Weavers were able to use all the thread that spinners could produce. His modifications to the loom he patented in 1785 was described in his own words.It was to be fourty years before his ideas were modified into a reliable automatic loom. -
The Cotton Gin-Eli Whitney
In 1793, Eli Whitney made a machine to remove the seeds from the cotton. This allowed the workers to pick and clean ten times as much cotton as they had before.
The increased productivity from the cotton gin fueled further advances in automating the production of cotton and other cloths -
Luddite Riots 1811-1816
The Luddites were trying to save their livelihoods by smashing industrial machines developed for use in the textile industries of the West Riding of Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire and Derbyshire. Some Luddites were active in Lancashire also. They smashed stocking-frames and cropping frames among others. -
The Railroad-George Stephenson
George Stephenson, a mining engineer, developed a locomotive called the "Rocket." It ran on iron rails at an amazing 36 miles per hour (58 km/h).
The further development of the railroad would revolutionize transportation in Europe and the United States. In 1869, the first trans-continental American railroad was completed. -
Elias Howe-The Sewing Machine
Elias Howe was born on July 9, 1819. After he lost his factory job he found work in a machinist's shop. It was there that Elias Howe began tinkering with the idea of inventing a mechanical sewing machine and in 1844 he did just that, invented the first sewing machine -
The Telephone-Alexander Graham Bell
Throughout his life, Alexander Bell had been interested in the education of deaf people. This interest lead him to invent the microphone and, in 1876, his "electrical speech machine," which we now call a telephone. -
The Electric Light-thomas Eddison
Thomas Edison's achievement was inventing not just an incandescent electric light, but also an electric lighting system that contained all the elements necessary to make the incandescent light practical, safe, and economical.