
the important things in my life

  • my birth

    my birth
    in 2010 august fourth I was put into the world I don't know at what time tho
  • when one of my favorite things came out

    when one of my favorite things came out
    on November 15 2013 the ps4 came out and that thing would be there for the rest of my life until I got a ps5
  • my favorite game

    my favorite game
    on September 30, 2014, a game called Shadow of Mordor came out it was based on lord of the rings and it was such a good game that i beat it over 8 times so you can imagen it being my favorite game
  • moving

    I moved into my new house when I was 5 if I can remember and I've stayed in that house ever since
  • covid-19

    on March 11, 2020, the pandemic happened and honestly, it affected everyone's lives in a different way but me I kinda liked it cause I got to stay home all-day