Robert Hooke
Robert Hooke lived from 1635 - 1703. During this time he wrote a book of his observations and drawings of the natural world called Micrographia, meaning “tiny drawings,” it was published in 1665. In this book he presented ideas about the life cycle of mosquitoes, the origin of craters on the moon and fossils. He most remembered for the drawings of what he saw through a microscope. Robert Hooke developed his own version of the compound microscope. Today the most famous drawing from the book is of -
Anton van Leewenhoek
Anton van leeuwenhoek lived from 1632 - 1732. Leeuwenhoek knew how to make very simple microscopes. He was not interested in studying the microscopic world until he read Robert Hooke’s book Micrographia. Leeuwenhoek great skill building at microscopes allowed him to magnify objects over 200. He wrote very precise descriptions of his observations because he wasn’t a very good drawer. Leeuwenhoek was one of the first people to observe and record microbes, he did this until the end of his life. -
Matthias Jakob Schleiden
Matthias Jakob Schleiden lived from 1804 - 1881. Many botanists scientist who were studying plants were not using microscopes,Matthias Schleiden was an exception. He left law to become a professor of botany.Schleiden preferred to use a microscope to study plants. He made a new idea that all plants are made up of cell in 1838. Schleiden and Theodor Schwann are both credited with developing the cell theory. Cell Theory; that all living organisms are made up of cells. -
Thedor Schwann
Theodor Schwann lived from 1810 - 1882. Theodor Schwann was a German biology professor who spent his time studying animals. He was particularly interested in the digestive system. In 1839 Schwann suggested a theory that not only plants were made up cells but so were animals.Theodor Schwann and Matthias Jakob Schleiden are credited with developing the cell theory. Cell theory; that all living organisms are made up of cells. -
Ignaz Philipp Semmelwesis
Ignaz Philipp Semmelweiss lived from 1818 - 1865. Semmelweiss was a Hungarian doctor who was working in Austria was trying to prevent young women from dying. In 1840s pregnant women often died of a disease called childbed fever. He noticed that many pregnant were examined by doctors who had just completed an autopsy. He concluded that childbed fever must be infectious and could be spread from something found in the dead bodies. He decided he should try washing his hands between patients. As a re -
Karl Theodor Ernst von Siebold
Karl Theodor Ernst von Siebold lived from 1804 - 1885. Siebold built off the idea of Schleiden’s and Schwann’s ideas. In 1845 he suggested that microbes were also made up of cells, to be more specific one cell. Siebold believed that organisms made up of many cells, like animals, were built out of single- celled microbes. He was wrong on this idea but was right in stating that microbes were living creatures and made up of the same material as plants and animals. -
Rudolf Carl Virchow
Rudolf Carl Virchow lived from 1821 - 1902. Schleiden and Schwann influenced Virchow a polish doctor.Virchow treating and studying ill patients for many years. famous for saying, in the 1850s, “all cells arise from cells” meaning that cells reproduce to create new cells. Virchow was right, when someone sees a new plant or a baby animal, that person is seeing a multicellular creature. Virchow applied the ideas he had to disease. He thought that diseases are caused by cells that do not work proper -
Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale lived from 1820 - 1910. An English nurse, published her ideas on diseases in 1860. One of the first to recognize the value of cleanliness and recommended it as a part of good nursing. -
Louis Pasteur
Louis Pasteur lived from 1822 - 1895. Pasteur was a French chemist who began studying microbes in 1864. He worked on an important business in France: the fermentation of wine and vinegar. Noticed that certain microbes could cause food and drink to spoil. Discovered that different microbes caused different kinds of spoiling but heat could kill the microbes.Suggested that microbes which he referred to as “germs,” could cause infectious diseases and were easily spread by people. -
Joseph Lister
Joseph Lister lived from 1827 - 1912. He was concerned with the high death rates of patients following surgery . The surgery would be finished successfully but about 45% of patients would die of infections afterwards. In 1867 he began using an antiseptic to clean surgical instruments, Lister also sprayed the air and required hand washing and clean aprons. As a result of doing this the death rate of patients following surgery dropped to 15%. -
Robert Koch
Robert Koch lived from 1843 - 1910. In 187, Koch a German, identified the microbe that causes anthrax.He also identify the microbes that caused tuberculosis and cholera.Developed a way to prove that specific microbes caused different diseases. Koch also created new ways to grow cultures of uncontaminated microbes, he developed agar. -
William Stevart Halsted
William Stewart Halsted lived form 1852 - 1922. Halsted was an American surgeon. 1890, Halsted became one of the first surgeons to rubber gloves during surgery. The gloves helped reduce the presence of even more microbes and improve patient health.