The Complex Number Calculator (CNC) is completed.
Bell Telephone Laboratories completed this calculator,This is considered to be the first demonstration of remote access computing. -
UNIVAC Computer was created
This computer was the First commercial computer & able to pick presidential winners. -
First Computer Game Invented
Steve Russell & MIT were the masterminds behind the first computer game. The game was called, "Sacewar Computer Game." -
The first computer Mouse
Douglas Engelbart was the first person to create the computer mouse. It was nicknamed the "mouse" becasue the cord came out of the tail end. -
The Floppy Disk was invented
Alan Shugart &IBM created the floppy disk and it was Nicknamed the "Floppy" for its flexibility. -
Word Processors.
Word Processor was created by Seymour Rubenstein & Rob Barnaby -
Apple Lisa Computer
The first home computer with a GUI, graphical user interface. -
Microsoft vrs. Apple
The war over the technology worlds begins between Apple and Microsoft -
The nintendo Enterainment System is created and makes it debut. -
The World Wide Web launched.