Monasticism or now known as Monkhood is a Religious way of line in which one gives up worldy pursuits. -
May 11, 1054
The Schism (east and west split)
The east-west was an event that hasten the final separation between the Eastern Christian Churches -
Jun 10, 1095
First crusade
The first crusade which was the first of the eight crusades. -
May 19, 1147
Second crusade
The second crusade was the second of the eight crusades that occurred was launch from Europe -
Jul 8, 1189
Third crusade
The third crusade which is also known as the "King crusade" -
Apr 22, 1202
Fourth crusade
The fourth crusade was a western european armed quest called by Pope Innoccent III -
Mar 26, 1213
Fifth crusade
The fifth crusade was an attempt by western europeans to restore jersualem. -
Jun 12, 1228
sixth crusade
The sixth crusade occurred during 1228 as a pursuit to take over Jerusalem -
Jun 16, 1248
seventh crusade
The seventh crusade wasn't begun by a pope, it was begun by King Louis XI -
May 3, 1320
the black death
people died because of the black death created by the them e rat's.and everybody thought that god wwas punshing them,so they decideded too punish them self so god can for giv -
Apr 15, 1517
protestant reformation
was when churches who followed theteaching or protests of martin luther spilt from the catholic church