First Compound Microscope
1595- Hans and Zachariah Jansen were credited with the 1st compound microscope. (Through my searches I found no specific date for any of these pieces of the timeline) -
Cells in Cork
1655- Robert Hooke described how "cells" are in cork -
Discovery of Protozoa
1674- Anton Van Leeuwenhoek discovered protozoa. He then saw bacteria 9 years later. -
Cell Nucleus Descibed
1833 - Robert Brown described the cell nucleus in cells of the orchid. -
Cell Theory Proposed
1838 – Matthais Schleiden and Theodor Schwann proposed cell theory. -
Sperm and Egg Cells are also cells
1840 – Albrecht von Roelliker realized that sperm cells and egg cells are also cells. -
Observation of Sperm and Egg Cell
1856- N. Pringsheim observed how a sperm cell penetrated an egg cell. -
Omnis Cellula E Cellula
1858- Rudolf Virchow expounds his famous conclusion (aka stolen conclusions from Robert Remak) meaning cells come from pre-existing cells.