The History of South Africa

  • Apartheid begins.

  • Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act passed

    This act prevented sexual intercourse and marriage between whites and blacks. It was mandatory for citizens over the age of sixteen to carry identification cards, which grouped people into various racial categories.
  • The Group Areas Act passed

    This law restricted the entrance of blacks into the urban, industrial, and agricultural areas, which were reserved only for those who were white.
  • Bantu Authorities Act passed

    This law assigned every African to their land. This had stolen power away from the Africans, and also instead allowed them to vote only within their homeland.
  • Principal antiapartheid organization banned

  • South Africa declares itself as a Republic.

  • Police raid, several of Mandela’s senior ANC’s charged with sabotage

  • Nelson Mandela sentenced to life in prison

  • BJ Vorster becomes Prime Minister after assassination in parliament

  • Youth of Soweto stood against being taught in medium of Afrikaans

  • FW de Klerk lifts restrictions on 33 opposition groups, including ANC, PAC, and Communist Party

  • Mandela released after 27 years in prison

  • Apartheid laws repealed

  • Apartheid comes to an official end

  • Truth and Reconciliation Commission promises amnesty to those who confessed to crimes under apartheid system

  • Truth and Reconciliation Commission promises amnesty to those who confessed to crimes under apartheid system

  • 39 pharmaceutical companies cease legal battle to end South Africa importing generic drugs

  • Bomb explodes in Soweto and near Pretoria

  • Jacob Zuma becomes elected

  • Mandela dies at age 95