AOL instant messenger
AOL launches chat rooms that lets users chat back and forth like email but better. http://www.adweek.com/socialtimes/the-history-of-social-media-from-1978-2012-infographic/90816 -
Six Degrees was a social media network designed to connect people using the concept of Six Degrees of Separation you could add friends and groups. http://www.sixdegrees.org/ -
Friendster was created in 2002 it was used to find friends and friends of friends.
http://socialnetworking.lovetoknow.com/history-friendster -
Link text Linkedin is a socal networking site but used for business and instead of connecting with your friends for entertainment purposes you can connect with friends for business. It is kind of like an online resume. -
MySpace is created to connect friends musicians and more. You can do many different things like create an interesting profile
filled with tons of images, music, and more.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/29/myspace-history-timeline_n_887059.html -
"The" Facebook
Facebook orginally known as "The Facebook" was created by Mark Zukerberg while studying psychology at Havard University. Still very popular today. -
Youtube is a very popular social media site where you can post videos, watch videos, and subscribe to youtubers and more. Later was bought by google.
https://sites.google.com/a/pressatgoogle.com/youtube5year/home/short-story-of-youtube -
Twitter is currently one of the most popular social networking site, there are over billions of users. You can tweet, post videos, photos, and follow many people. -
Instagram is a place where you can share photos with followers. Instagram is also a popular social networking site that millions of people still use today. You can also post videos. stories and more on Instagram. -
http://www.businessinsider.com/the-history-of-tumblr-2013-5Tumblr is a blogging site/social media network. You can do multiple connecting with friends and as well view their blogs. Create your own blog and more. -
Pinterest is a soical media site like a catalog. You have your own profile and can search anything you want from food, beauty, decorating, drinks and so much more. If you find something you like you can pin it to one of your created boards. There are many users on pinterest and it is popular today.
https://about.pinterest.com/en/press/press -
Snapchat waas the first of its kind. It is kind of like a messenger where you can send pictures back and forth but after a certain amount of time they are deleted. Snapchat is still in use today and is constantly improving and adding more features, you can add filters, geotags, and more.