Gregor Mendel
Gregor Mendel discovered the gene in 1860. A gene is the standard unit of heredity. He came across this discovery by crossing different breeds of peas. -
Friedrich Meischer
Meischer proposed the concept of DNA in 1868. His theories were not confirmed until years later, but this was still a monumental step in the history of GMO's. -
Monsanto, one of todays top GMO producing companies, was founded in 1901. Monsanto didn't start producing GMO until years after it was created. -
Oswald Avery
Oswald Avery confirmed DNA truely was the carrier of molecular information. His discovery impacted the importance of DNA in organisms. -
James Watson and Francis Crick
James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the double helix formation of DNA. This discovery gave scientists the ability to alter the genetic structure of organisms. -
Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer
Cohen and Boyer discovered gene spilcing. This is a technique used to chemically cut and splice strands of DNA. -
Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer founded Genentech in 1976. Genentech was the first company founded on the alteration of genetics. -
1st GMO in the food industry
Flavr Savr tomatoes showed up on the food stands in America in 1990. These tomatoes were genetically modified to delay in ripening. -
GMO's enter Europe
In 1996 GMO entered the European food stands. This began the huge controversy over GMO's. Europe did not believe they were safe! -
Even though GMO's were discouraged in Europe they continued to flourish in the United States. Today the majority of our foods contain GMO's.