Blue hills

The History of Gethlyka Sanoy

  • The baby is born.

    The baby is born.
    The baby is born and the parents were happy. But the baby was noisy and they don't know what to do.
    After a few months I spoke my first word and it's "papa" and my parents couldn't be more proud
  • Period: to

    14 years of existence

    This timeline is about the memories that I only remembered from my childhood. The rest is hazy and I can't remembered which one is which. :)
  • My 1st Birthday

    My 1st Birthday
    I survived the first year of my existence. LOL!
  • Kindergarten

    My first day at Kindergarten.. I was so happy that my friends are there too.
  • Graduated from Kindergarten

    Graduated from Kindergarten
    i finall graduated kindergarten and im off to 1st grade. :))
  • First Grade

    First Grade
    I was 6 when they enrolled me to 1st grade. And @ the first day i think I made new friends aside from my neighbor's daughter LOL
  • Ballet Recital

    Ballet Recital
    They panicked when I wasn't in my crib, then they found me under it
  • Christmas Caroling

    Christmas Caroling
    My first christmas carol.. My aunt decided to let me join their group in christmas caroling
  • Spelling Bee

    Spelling Bee
    I was in third grade when I decided to join some extra curricular activities. So I joined the Spelling Bee and won 8th place. When I knew that I didn't won the 1st place, I cried
  • Science Competition

    Science Competition
    I was chosen along with my two friends to compete in a competition. And that competition was how to make the volcano erupt. And we won 2nd place.
  • Dance competition

    Dance competition
    My friends and I decided to join the dance comp. that our town is hosting. The first prize is 5,000 and front cover page w/ the mayor in the newspaper.
  • Battle of the Bands

    Battle of the Bands
    It was a battle between elementary marching bands and of course I joined. Being the drum majorette I have to be there. Sadly we won 5th place.
  • Ms. Sports 2011

    Ms. Sports 2011
    I won first place in a beauty pageant at our school and I was so happy.
  • MS. Intramurals 2012

    MS. Intramurals 2012
    I won 5th place and I was so sad. Because the first time I joined in a beauty pageant I won 1st place but now i was in 5th place. :((

    i left two days after the pageant and the day before my flight i went to school to say good bye to my friends and say goodbye to the most important person.
  • First Day of Freshman Year

    First Day of Freshman Year
    It was nerve racking to say the least. I couldn't describe what I felt that day.