A Brief History of Cyberpunk's Glory Days

By tayaox
  • Cybernetics

    Norbert Wiener coins and first uses the term "cybernetics" (Project Cyberpunk, 2004).
  • 'The Naked Lunch' is published

    'The Naked Lunch' is published
    Credited as the founding book of the cyberpunk genre, "Naked Lunch is a postmodern slipstream novel written by William S. Burroughs," (Project Cyberpunk 2004).
  • Cyborg

    Manfred Clynes and Nathan Kline coin the term 'cyborg' "to refer to their conception of an enhanced human being who could survive in extraterrestrial environments" (Cyberpunk 2021 n.d.)
  • 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?' is published

    'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?' is published
    Written by Phillip K. Dick, 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?' is a science fiction novel set in a post-apocalyptic world.
  • Punk Music Genre

    Punk Music Genre
    Following the release of punk albums from The Ramones, The Sex Pistols and The Clash, punk popular culture gains momentum and influences the cyberpunk movement (Cyberpunk 2021).
  • 'Blade Runner' is released

    'Blade Runner' is released
    A film based off 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?' starring Harrison Ford, 'Blade Runner' was directed by Ridley Scott and includes many cyberpunk tropes (Project Cyberpunk 2004).
  • 'Tron' is released

    'Tron' is released
    Another cyberpunk film to be released this year was 'Tron'. Directed by Stephen Lisberger, it follows the story of a video game hacker who becomes stuck in the virtual gaming world.
  • Cyberpunk

    The alleged first use of the term 'cyberpunk' was used by Bruce Bethke to title his short story 'Cyberpunk' (Project Cyberpunk 2004).
  • 'Neuromancer' is published

    'Neuromancer' is published
    "William Gibson's debut novel Neuromancer gained a cult-status very soon after its publishing by being one of the first novels in a new science-fiction genre called Cyberpunk. So it has become "the definitive cyberpunk book" and the most famous cyberpunk novel of all the time" (Cyberpunk Project 2007).
  • 'Terminator' is released

    'Terminator' is released
    This science-fiction James Cameron film depicts the story of a cyborg, known as The Terminator, who disguises himself as a human on his mission to kill Sarah Connor (Project Cyberpunk 2004).
  • 'Burning Chrome' is released

    'Burning Chrome' is released
    A series of 10 short stories written by William Gibson, 'Burning Chrome' includes a range of genres, "from conventional science fiction to cyberpunk novellas of the 'Sprawl'-series" (Project Cyberpunk 2004).