Blade Runner
The film Blade Runner, directed by Ridley Scott, is released in cinemas. While the film intially underperformed at the box office, with time Blade Runner gained status as a cult classic and has been heralded by cyberpunk enthusisasts as, "the quintessence of the cyberpunk aesthetic: a juxtaposition of high technology with social decay as a troubling allegory of the relationship between humanity and machines" (Marcus Janni Pivato, 2000) -
Novel written by, William Gibson, that tells the story of a retired hacker hired by a mysetrious emplyer to pull of a large scale hacking. Regarded as "the definitive cyberpunk book" and was the recipient of three prestigious science fiction awards, The Nebula award, The Phillip K. Dick award and the Hugo award. -
Burning Chrome
A collection of short stories based upon the theme of cyberpunk, written by William Gibson, is released. -
Max Headroom
Satirical TV series set in a dystopian future ruled by an oligarchy of television networks. Ran from March 1987 - May 1988 -
Deserted Cities Of The Heart
Cyberpunk novel by Lewis Shiner is released. -
First Australian cyberpunk novel is released, written by Greg Egan