The word "computer"
The word "computer" was originally used to describe a human who performed calculations or computations -
The first mechanical computer
It was created by Charles Babben, but it doesn't resemble, what most peaple today, wouldn't consider a computer. -
Herman Hollerith designed a punch card system to calculate the 1880 cencus, saving the government 5 MILLION, and accomplishing the task.
He later founded IBM. -
JV. Atanasoff
He was a prefessor about physics and math at the Iowa State University, tryed to make the first computer without gears, cams, belts, or shafts. -
Clifford Berry
Clifford Berry was Atnanasoff's student, they both designed a computer to solve 29 equations at one time.This marks the first time was able to store info on its main memory.
Just a guy name Barry) -
Grace Hopper
Developed the first computer language, which eventually was known as COBAL. -
The FORTRAN programming was made. -
Douglas Engalbart showed a prototype of the modern computer, with the mouse and Graphical -
Alan Shugart
Alan leads a team of iBm engineers who invented the floppy disk. -
The US Federal Judge, Earl R. Larson, signed his decision that the ENIAC by J.Presper Eckert and John Mauchly. -
Apple I
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak make the Apple 1 on April fools day. The first computer with a single circut board.. -
Apple II
The apple 2 was the first computer with color graphics and audio cassets. -
Microsoft announces WINDOWS to compete with apple's GUI.
the Commodore unviels the Amiga 1000, which has video and audio capabilites. -
Windows 10
Windows 10 is the most recent computer, when speaking about operating systems, its very similer to Windows 8 (which is what I use) but, as they say, its more like Windows 7.