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The History of Computers

  • The First Generation Begins

    The First Generation Begins
    The first vaccum tube computer, ENIAC, was announced to the public
  • ENIAC is given a home

    ENIAC is dedicated to the University of Pennsylvania.
  • ENIAC gets an upgrade

    ENIAC was temporarily shut down for new refurbishings and memory upgrades.
  • A secret project

    A secret project
    Walter Brattain and John Bardeen invent the transistor. This invention was the start of new, improved and more compact computers. The transistors were made of gold foil on a plastic triangle and these triangles were pushed down onto a piece of germanium.
  • The demonstration

    The demonstration
    Walter Braittain and John Bardeen demonstrate the point-contact transistor to their collegues at Bell Labs.
  • A Public Announcement

    Brattain and Bardeen announce the revolutionary transistor to the public in a press conference at Bell Labs.
  • UNIVAC turns on

    UNIVAC, worlds first commercial, general purpose digital computer is dedicated by the U.S Census Bureau. This computer was made by engineers J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly. These engineers also built ENIAC and, similarly used vaccum tubes in UNIVAC aswell.
  • ENIAC is shut down

    On 11:45 p.m, ENIAC is shut down for good.
  • The invention of the integrated circuit

    The invention of the integrated circuit
    Jack Kiliby built a working model of an integrated circuit after pitching the idea to his boss at Texas Instruments. Kiliby noticed one day that the transistors that were very popular were made out of expensive silicon. He believed that a semiconductor could be made out of some thing that could be smaller and easier to handle.
  • SpaceWar!

    Steve Russell invents the first game that was intended for the computer. He called this game "SpaceWar!"
  • The FIrst E-mail

    The FIrst E-mail
    Ray Tomlinson invents a way to send messages between computers using the "@" symbol. The message was just a test, so the exact date and message is well forgotten.
  • Microprocessors are Introduced to the World

    Microprocessors are Introduced to the World
    Intel computers announced their new product, the Intel 4004 microprocessor. This was the first microprocessor of its kind. It was created by Ted Hoff to give to the Japanese company BUSICOM to be used in new calculators.
  • Apple II

    Apple II
    Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak announce the Apple II computer at the West Coast Computer Fair.
  • The Apple II Goes To the Stores

    Apple II computer officially goes on shelves.
  • A New Step in Music

    A New Step in Music
    Steve Jobs announces the IPOD. This was the first piece of equipment that could hold thousands of songs in one device. This invention revolutionized the music industry.
  • The new phone

    The new phone
    Steve Jobs annouces the iphone to feature touchscreen at the Macworld Convention.