MARK series
The MARK series of cumputers were made and desighned at Harvard University. It was made by Howard Aikan and Grace Hopper. -
John P. Eckert and John W. Mauchly built the ENIAC -
Howard Aikman develops the MARK 3 Computer. -
Hidio Yamachito
In Japan on 1950 Hidio Yamachito built the first electronic computer. -
First computer made in U.S. It was masde and desighned by John P. Eckert and John W.Mauchly. -
First Computer game
The first computer game was called SpaceWar. It was developed and created by Steve Russel and MIT. -
The Mouse
Douglas Engelbart invented the first mouse. It got its nickname becaue the cord came from the end. -
The email was invented by Ray Tomlinson. -
FLoppy Disk
The Floppy disk was born. The floppy disk was made by David Noble and IBM. -
Apple computers was founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wasniak. Changed the world of computers in that time. -
Apple 2
The apple 2 was the first personal computer. The apple 2 included colors and graphics. -
Operating system
Paul Allen and Bill Gates created a brand new operating system for the new PC. -
Gaming tablet
The first tablet dedacted toward gaming. The tablet has a core I7 tech. -
Google glass
the google glass allows you to use feeds, texts, google maps, etc.. The price to buy is $1500. -
Google driveless car
The car is powerd by rador, car sensars, and video cameras. So far the car has went 1609 kilometers without human command.