Computer class

The History of Computers

  • First programmable computer is made

    First programmable computer is made
    The first programmable computer was invented by Konrad Zuse in 1936. This computer was called the Z1 Computer. I chose this event because this is the very start of all the very high quality computers and technology that we have today from companies like Apple and Microsoft.
  • First Commercial Computer was made

    First Commercial Computer was made
    In 1951, the first commercial computer was created which really benefited how everything was run. It changed from slow, to fast and efficient with this invention. The invention of the commerical computer benefited the election that year so much by being able to pick presidential winners. I chose this event because this was the next step after the programmable computer. The computer in the picture is the first commercial Apple computer.
  • First Successful Programming Language

    First Successful Programming Language
    This high level, very successful programming language was invented in 1954 by John Backus and IBM. This product was incoorporated into the FORTRAN Computer Programming Language company. I chose this event because this is a very large step in our technology and this was the start of programming everywhere.
  • First Computer Mouse was Invented

    First Computer Mouse was Invented
    The first computer mouse was invented in 1964 by Douglas Engelbart. The computer mouse was nicknamed the "mouse" because a wire came out the end of it as if it was a mouse tail. I chose this event because I think that this is a major step in technology. I thought that when the computer was invented, the mouse was along with it, but that is not the case.
  • The Original Internet

    The Original Internet
    The original internet was invented in 1969. The person who invented the first internet was a company called ARPAnet. I chose this event because this was the start of programs like Safari and Firefox, which are so developed and generated.
  • First Word Processors

    First Word Processors
    In 1979, the first Word Processors were invented by two men named Seymour Rubenstein and Rob Barnaby. The very first Word Processor was created in a company called WordStar Software. I chose this because I think that this is such an important aspect of a computer and this was the start of it!
  • Bill Gates is Hired by IBM

    Bill Gates is Hired by IBM
    In 1980, Bill Gates is hired by IBM along with Paul Allen, who is another very talented computer programmer. They were asked to create a new operating system for the new PC that was going to be released in the near future. I chose this because when Bill Gates was hired, this was the start to a great company and a start to Mr. Gates very amazing career.
  • Apple Introduces the Macintosh

    Apple Introduces the Macintosh
    The Macintosh was released in 1984. This new computer had a mouse and a window interface which improved the Apple computers by so much. I decided to chose this event because with the new interface, Apple would be able to create amazing things.
  • Apple Introduces the iPod

    Apple Introduces the iPod
    In 2001, Apple introduces the first iPod. The iPod was a small, palm-sized device that was used to play all of your music via iTunes. I chose this event because after the first iPod was invented by Apple, most of the products after the iPod created by Apple were built off of it.
  • Apple iPad was Released

    Apple iPad was Released
    The Apple iPad was the first invented tablet computer and it was released in April of 2008. I chose this event because when the iPad was invented by Apple, this was the very start of all tablet computers, which are very popular today to people all over the world.