The History Of Computer Science

  • Jan 1, 1068


    Darpa creates ARPAnet, the first operational computer network and ancestor of the internet.
  • Alan Turing

    Alan Turing
    Alan Turing invents the Turing Machines.
  • Konrad Zuse

    Konrad Zuse
    Konrad Zuse inventa Z3, the first programmable digital computer.
  • Bell Labs

    Bell Labs
    The transistor is invented at Bell Labs.
  • Douglas Engelbart

    Douglas Engelbart
    Douglas Engelbart invents the computer mouse.
  • Kenbak -1

    Kenbak -1
    The first personal computer is sold.
  • Steve Wozniak

    Steve Wozniak
    Designed the Apple, a single-board computer for hobbyists.
  • First MS-DOS

    First MS-DOS
    IBM introduces its first MS-DOS computer.
  • Windows 1-0

    Windows 1-0
    Microsoft releases Windows 1-0
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    Sir Tia Berners-Lee of CERN invents the WorldWideWeb.
  • Marc Andresson

    Marc Andresson
    Marc Andresson created Mosaic, later known as Netscape, the first popular, user-friendly Web browser.