Where the Word Came From
They got the word computer from somewhere. Do you know where? Well they got it from a person that was good at calculations and computations."The definition of a computer remained the same until the end of the 19th century, when the industrial revolution gave rise to machines whose primary purpose was calculating." (Computerhope.com, When was the First Computer Invented, computer hope) -
Mechanical Computer
Charles Babbage made the first mechanical computer so not what we would call a computer today but it was still a computer back in the day. "The first mechanical computer, created by Charles Babbage in 1822" ( Computerhope.com, When Was the First Computer Invented, Computer Hope.) -
The Z1 First Programmable Computer
In 1936 the development of the Z1 programmable computer started and ended at 1938. "The machine was a device that printed symbols on paper tape in a manner that emulated a person following a series of logical instructions. Without these fundamentals, we wouldn't have the computers we use today." (Computerhope.com, Computer Hope, Computers). -
Digital Computer
It started in 1937 the development of the first digital computer and ended in 1942. "The ABC began development by Professor John Vincent Atanasoff and graduate student Cliff Berry in 1937." (Computerhope.com, Computer Hope, When Was the First Computer invented). -
Stored Program Computer
In 1948 the first stored program computer was designed by Manchester Baby a company. "Kilburn wrote the first electronically-stored program, which finds the highest proper factor of an integer, using repeated subtraction rather than division." It was designed by Frederic Williams Tom Kilburn, with Geoff Tootill (Computerhope.com, Computers, Computer Hope). -
Computer Company
In 1949 Presper Eckert and John Mauchly made the first computer company. They had a lot of challenges but they had a good company. "The EDSAC performed its first calculation on May 6, 1949. It was also the first computer to run a graphical computer game," It was designed by Maurice Wilkes. (Computerhope.com, about Computers, Computer Hope). -
701 Computer
IBM publicly introduced the 701 computer. " Its first commercial scientific computer." A total of 19,701 are produced and sold. It is IBM's fist electric computer and first mass-produced computer. (Computerhope.com, Computer Hope, When Was the First Computer Invented, Computer History Museum). -
Transistorized Computer
"The TX-0 (Transistorized Experimental computer) is the first transistorized computer to be demonstrated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1956." That was the first computer demonstrated so there could of been other of the same computers but that was the first one to be demonstrated. Transistorized means "design or make with transistors rather than vacuum tubes". (Computerhope.com, Computer Hope, When Was the Fist Computer Invented). -
"In 1960, Digital Equipment Corporation released its first of many PDP computers, the PDP-1." This is nothing like the computer we have today but it is getting close it is still considered a computer but its not the same. Minicomputer means a computer of medium power. (Computerhope.com, Computer Hope, When Was the First Computer Invented). -
Desktop Computer
In Pier Giorgio Perotto made the first desktop and mass-market computer. "The Programma 101, was unveiled to the public at the New York World's Fair." There was almost 44,000 programma's 101 computers were sold and each of them costed about $3,200. If you wanted to know what mass-market means it means the things sold in a large place. (Computerhope.com, Computer Hope, When Was the First Computer Invented). -
The First Real Computer
Hewlett Packard made the HP 9100A it was the first real desktop/mass-market computer. "HP 9100A, considered to be the first mass-marketed desktop computer." It is the desktop computer that means "a computer suitable for use at an ordinary desk." This was the first real computer. It is the same computer we use today. Hewlett Packard made the computer we have today. (Computerhope.com, Computer Hope, When Was the First Computer Invented). -
"Intel introduces the first microprocessor, the Intel 4004 on November 15, 1971." Intel introduced the first microprocessor. As you can see in the picture it looks nothing like the computer today but back then it was still a computer they used and it works like a computer. Intel made that computer and it took a lot of tries but to do something you love you always have to be determined. (Computerhope.com, Computer Hope, When Was the First Computer Invented). -
"André Truong Trong Thi, along with Francois Gernelle, developed the Micral computer in 1973. Considered as the first microcomputer, it used the Intel 8008 processor and was the first commercial non-assembly computer." It sold for $1,750. Although it just looks like a keyboard off what today's computer is it is a full computer. (Computerhope.com, Computer Hope, When Was the First Computer Invented). -
The Decision
The federal judge signed his decision to see if computers could be a thing and they were and the types of computers kept growing in companies and new ones kept coming out. "On October 19, 1973, US Federal Judge Earl R. Larson signed his decision that the ENIAC patent by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly was invalid." The ABC was an electrical computer. (computerhope.com, computer hope, computers). -
Personal Computer
In 1975 Ed Roberts made the first personal computer. " The computer relied on a series of switches for inputting data and output data by turning on and off a series of lights." In 1971 it was sold for $750. You couldn't email or text on that but there was buttons and you could type. (Computerhope.com, Computer Hope, When Was the First Computer Invented). -
Apple Computer
Steve Wozniak came out with the first apple computer. "The IBM PCD (PC Division) later released the IBM portable, its first portable computer." It weighed 30 pounds and that was a lot. The first apple computer was made with wood as you can see in the picture. (Computerhope.com, Computer Hope, Computers). -
IBM Personal Computer
"The computer was code-named Acorn." for this computer. This computer really looks like a computer in these days. IBM made a computer and named it after their company named IBM. It was an 8088 processor. (Computerhope, Computer Hope, Computers). -
Portable Computer
IBM came out with a portable computer. In the picture it looks like a computer it has the screen and a cord connecting to the keyboard on a computer today it doesn't have the cord. On this computer you can text, type, and email if you need to. " The computer weighed 55-pounds and had a five inch CRT display, tape drive, 1.9 MHz PALM processor, and 64 KB of RAM." (Computerhope, Computer Hope, Computers). -
The First Multimedia Computer
" Tandy Radio Shack released the M2500 XL/2 and M4020 SX, among the first computers to feature the MPC standard." It is not the computer like today but back then it was. A multimedia computer means something that can be shown through video, animation, and more. (Computerhope.com, Computer Hope, When Was the First Computer Invented).