The Greatest Renascence Timeline Of All Time Ever

By shylee
  • 1300

    The Renascence begins

    The renascence began as result if new interest and art and knowledge
  • 1308

    Dante wrote his poem divine comedy

    dante wrote his epic poem divine comedy
  • 1347

    the black plague began

    the black plague started because of trade
  • 1434

    the medicis came to power

    the medicis became the head of Florence
  • 1450

    the printing press.

    Johannes Gutenberg invents the printing press.
  • 1495

    the last supper

    Leonardo da vinci painted the last super
  • 1503

    the mona lisa was painted

    the mona lisa was painted
    Leonardo da vinci painted the Mona Lisa in 1503
  • 1558

    the first queen

    Elizabeth I came to power