Jan 1, 1071
The Battle Of Manzikert
The Byzantine army were destroyed by the turks -
Period: Jan 1, 1071 to Jan 1, 1085
The Battle Of Manzikert
Mercenary Seljuk Turks conquer Syria and Palestine. The City of Jerusalem is taken from the more civilised Saracen caliphs. -
Period: Jan 1, 1085 to Jan 1, 1095
Seljuk Turks Conquer
3000 Christian Pilgrims were massacred in Jerusalem by the Turks that took over and the Christian churches were destroyed or used as stables -
Period: Jan 2, 1095 to Jan 3, 1095
Pope Urban II
Emperor Alexius I sent an embassy to Pope Urban II regarding the atrocities in Jerusalem and the growing threat of the Turks to Constantinople and the whole of Europe.Pope Urban II called a great council of the Church at Placentia, in Italy, to consider the appeal - decisions were deferred until later in the year -
Nov 27, 1095
Pop Urban II Council of clergy
Pope Urban II called a great council of clergy and nobles to meet at Clermont in France called the Council of Clermont. He called for a crusade against the Infidels -
Period: Jan 1, 1096 to Oct 1, 1096
The defeat of the Turks
Armed forces gathered at Constantinople to embark on the First Crusade. Emperor Alexius I shipped the Peoples Crusade over the Bosphorus. The Peoples Crusade were annihilated by the Turks in Anatolia -
Period: Jun 1, 1097 to Jun 1, 1098
Siege of Nicace
Siege of Nicacea. Battle of Dorylaeum. The Siege of Antioch. Stephen of Blois and numerous French crusaders flee the siege of Antioch with news of the arrival of Emir Kerboga of Mosul -
Period: Jun 8, 1098 to Jul 15, 1099
End of first crusade
Bohemond I, elder son of Robert Guiscard, led the capture of Antioch Emir Kerboga of Mosul and his army of 75,000 lays siege to the crusaders led by Bohemond. The siege of Arqah, near Tripoli. The Battle of Orontes. The First Crusade wins a victory forcing Emir Kerboga to lift the siege of Antioch. Raymond of Toulouse leads the crusaders from Antioch and to Jerusalem. The soldiers of the First Crusade successfully scale the walls of Jerusalem and take the Holy city