The Evoulution of the Gun

  • Nov 24, 800

    Black powder

    Black powder
    China invented black powder between the 9th and 10th century. Black powder is a mixture of saltpeter (potassium nitrate), sulfur, and charcoal (carbon). This was the basis of most types of firearms including guns and cannons.
  • May 16, 1200

    Invention of the Firearm

    Invention of the Firearm
    Invented in china around the 13th century AD. Later transmitted to the Middle East and Africa and Europe, where they were later improved.
  • First Bullet

    First Bullet
    The first actual bullet was invented by a French man named Louis-Nicolas Flobert during the mid 19th century. This bullet could be loaded faster because you wouldn't have to load each material separately, instead it is all in one case.
  • Manually functioning weapons

    Manually functioning weapons
    The first somewhat practical fully automatic weapons were invented in 1884 and used one person to turn a crank and feed bullets to the gun, and another to aim (although it could be done with one). These would often backfire or jam which made them less common.
  • Semi Automatic Firearms

    Semi Automatic Firearms
    The semi automatic firearm was significant because you could shoot more bullets during a shorter period of time. This led to being able to shoot more bullets into your enemy, or if you missed, you would not have to wait to shoot again.