discussion of Comportable Computer
http://inventors.about.com/ Microsoft's Kazuhiko Nishi and Bill Gates based on using a new liquid liquid crystal display or LCD screen. -
Radio Shack released the TRS-80 Model 100 in 1983,
http://inventors.about.com/ a 4lb. computer, operated battery portable computer witha flat and more of laptop design. -
Radio Shack released the improved and smaller
http://inventors.about.com/ TRS Model 200, three years later in 1986. -
Radio Shack released the improved and the smaller TRS Model 200.
http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/bllaptop.htm three years later, in 1986. -
Compaq Computer introduces it's first laptop PC with VGA graphics
inventors.about.com -the Compaq SLT/286 in 1988 -
Today, people can go to a coffee shop and do work on laptops
http://laptops-maliki-liki.blogspot.com before, people had to stay at their offices and browse the internet. -
Before people had to write letters to friends/family
http://www.enotes.com/ nowadays, people can tweet, e-mail or text.