Charles Babbage:
He was the first person to invent a fully functional digital computer.
http://www.computerhistory.org/babbage/ -
Howard Hathaway
He was a designer and architect for IBM. He was very significant in terms of updating the moderate computer.
https://www.computerhope.com/people/howard_aiken.htm -
War Time For computers
Computers were put to work for war purposes for the first time.
https://www.thocp.net/timeline/1900.htm -
J.V. Atanasoff
He attempted to build the first computer without gears, Cams, belts, or Shafts.
https://www.livescience.com/20718-computer-history.html -
The first large- scale computer to run at electronic speed without being slowed any mechanical parts.
http://www.computerhistory.org/revolution/birth-of-the-computer/4/78 -
Stands for International Business Machines. The organization came out with their first computer machine.
http://www.softschools.com/timelines/computer_history_timeline/20/ -
The mouse is invented
Douglas Engelbart invented the computer mouse. He called it the mouse because the cord came out the back like a tail.
http://www.softschools.com/timelines/computer_history_timeline/20/ -
The Internet
The first internet was called ARPANET. The original internet wasn't used very widely because not many people had access to it.
http://www.softschools.com/timelines/computer_history_timeline/20/ -
First computer Virus
The first computer virus was called Elk Cloner and was found on a Mac.
https://www.computerhope.com/history/2010.htm -
Dark web
A researcher from the US military created a technology that allowed intelligence and information to be exchange privately.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/guides/z9j6nbk -
Upgrades to the Internet
Tim Berners lee came up with the world wide web. He started a computer revolution.
http://www.softschools.com/timelines/computer_history_timeline/20/ -
President approval
Bill Clinton makes the first ever presidential webcast.
https://www.computerhope.com/history/2010.htm -
Age of Hackers
Albert Gonzalez, Hack a ATM and withdrew hundreds of dollars in cash.
https://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/14/magazine/14Hacker-t.html -
Important Conference
The 9th security in computer networks and distributed systems was established.
https://www.concise-courses.com/conferences-of-2014/ -
Atlanta got Hack
The assault on Atlanta brought more security experts to fix the problem. The main cause was the Ransomware which destroyed many important documents and compromised most of the central Atlanta desktops.