Izaak van Deen develops the guaiac blood test.
Friedrich Miescher discovers DNA
Henry Faulds presents powder dusting to expose quiescent fingerprints.
Juan Vucetich, is the first to use fingerprints as evidence in a murder investigation.
Hans Gross publishes Criminal Psychology.
Karl Landsteiner discovers human blood grouping
Victor Balthazard and Marcelle Lambert publish first the study on hair fibers.
Victor Balthazard publishes his belief that each fired bullet carries unique marks.
Police Chief August Vollmer establishes the first forensic laboratory in Los Angeles
Philip Gravelle and Calvin Goddard develop the comparison microscope.
Detection of gunshot residue by SEM/EDS is developed.
The discovery of DNA analysis identifying anyone's unique biological code.
The National DNA Index System (NDIS) becomes operational.
3D reconstructions of crime scenes, traffic collisions and bullet trajectories are used to solve crimes.
Footwear Detection
Facial sketches used to mach photos.