James naismith panier112

The Development and Growth of Basketball

By mdhyun
  • Basketball was invented by James Naismith!!

    Basketball was invented by James Naismith!!
  • Period: to

    The Birth and Growth of Basketball

  • First official basketball game played

    First official basketball game played
  • Senda Berenson Abbott introduces game to women at Smith College in Massachussetts.

    Senda Berenson Abbott introduces game to women at Smith College in Massachussetts.
  • First official women's basketball game played

    First official women's basketball game played
  • First professional basketball league is formed

    First professional basketball league is formed
  • Introduced as an exhibition sport in Olympic games

    Introduced as an exhibition sport in Olympic games
  • More than 360 colleges offer basketball to students.

    More than 360 colleges offer basketball to students.
  • First international basketball tournament held in Paris, France.

    First international basketball tournament held in Paris, France.
  • First time basketball is played at Olympics as official sport.

    First time basketball is played at Olympics as official sport.
  • First National Collegiate basketball tournament held in Kansas City, MS.

    First National Collegiate basketball tournament held in Kansas City, MS.
  • The National Basketball Association (NBA) is created

    The National Basketball Association (NBA) is created
  • First NBA All Star game is played

    First NBA All Star game is played
  • The 24 second shot clock is introduced in the NBA

    The 24 second shot clock is introduced in the NBA
  • The American Basketball Association (ABA) is created

    The American Basketball Association (ABA) is created
  • The 3 point shot is introduced into the NBA

    The 3 point shot is introduced into the NBA
  • Professional basketball players are allowed to compete in Olympics for very first time.

    Professional basketball players are allowed to compete in Olympics for very first time.
  • "Dream Team" wins gold medal at Olympics in Barcelona

    "Dream Team" wins gold medal at Olympics in Barcelona
  • First NBA game played in Europe (London, England)

    First NBA game played in Europe (London, England)
  • First NBA game played in China

    First NBA game played in China