

  • Period: Jan 15, 1096 to Jan 15, 1270

    The Crusades

  • Nov 27, 1096

    The First Crusade

    The First Crusade
    Feudal lords – captured Antioch (Jerusalem)
    Turks were unorganised (Muslims)
    Kights called to protect Palestine
  • Feb 28, 1147

    The Second Crusade

    The Second Crusade
  • Mar 1, 1189

    The third Crusade

    The third Crusade
    Muslim recapture Jerusalem
    Christians made truce with Muslims – could visit
    Christian captured Acre
  • May 1, 1202

    The fourth Crusade

    The fourth Crusade
    Christians ransacked Constantinople
    Established Latin Kingdom of Constantinpole (1261)
  • Nov 5, 1212

    The Cildren's Crusade

    The Cildren's Crusade
    Bands of Christian children were killed
  • May 27, 1218

    The Fifth Crusade

    The Fifth Crusade
    Christian crusaders attacked Muslims in Egypt – they failed
  • Nov 27, 1228

    The Sixth Crusade

    The Sixth Crusade
    Christians win back Jerusalem
  • Aug 22, 1248

    The Seventh Crusade

    The Seventh Crusade
    Muslims recaptured Jerusalem. French king captured
  • Sep 29, 1270

    The Eighth Crusade

    The Eighth Crusade
    Muslims captured Antioch (took off Christians)
    Christian crusade failed – French king died of plague
    Muslims kept Jerusalem