Germanic Tribes : Tacitus' Germania
A primary source that depicts the nature of Germanic tribes as well as the decline of the Roman Empire through comparing the Romans to these "barbaric" tribes -
Early Christian: Edict of Milan
A decree issued by Constantine that declared the tolerance of all religions. -
Early Christian: Nicene Creed
A statement of the orthodox Christian faith that traces back to the time of the Council of Nicea. -
Byzantine: Theodosius II builds a great wall around Constantinople, establishing it as the center of the new Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire)
This would allow for Constantinople to stand strong more many years as well as allow attempts over the years in trying to gain back the Western part of the Roman empire. -
England: Legions depart
The Romans leave England in hopes of protecting other more valuable parts of the Empire as a whole. Remaining English and Romans were defenseless against the incoming invading Germanic tribes. -
Period: 476 to May 15, 750
France: The Merovingian Dynasty
Frankish Dynasty created by Childeric I -
France: The Salic Law
A code of law issued during the reign of Clovis. -
Byzantine: Justinian becomes Emperor of the Byzantine empire
Justinian was allowed to conquer much territory, with the help of his influential wife Theodora, being the last emperor in the succession to try to gain back the Western part of the Empire. -
Byzantine: Nika Revolt
A series of riots that broke out through political factions in chariot races which caused a lot of destruction. However, this destruction allowed for the Hagia Sophia to be built, which has an iconography of both Christianity and Islam. -
England: Anglo Saxon Invasion
The Anglo Saxon invasion occurred due to anger caused by Vortigern who neglected to pay the tribes after using them for his own military advantage. -
France: Gregory of Tours, History of the Franks
A history of the Frankish people written by Gregory of Tours in an ecclesiastical viewpoint excusing the crimes of religious Frankish kings, which allowed him to write about King Clovis in a good light. -
May 14, 622
Islam: Muhammad leaves Mecca for Medina/ Foundation of Islam
Here, Muhammad had a vision to unify all of the people into one Muslim tribe. -
May 14, 630
Islam: Muhammad conquers Mecca
Muhammad returns and creates an army of Muslims to advance towards Mecca. During this conquest, Muhammad called out the dangerous statement "He who dies valiantly in battle, will be rewarded in heaven" which has lead to the thinking of Jihad, wrong ideas about Islam. -
Period: May 14, 661 to May 15, 750
Islam: Umayyad Empire
Jan 1, 691
Islam: Dome of the Rock built in Jerusalem
Believed that Muhammad ascended into heaven here. -
May 14, 731
England:The Venerable Bead's Writing
The Venerable Bead's writing captures his skilled story telling in English storytelling, which allowed Bead to become a great historian as well as use his talent to write propaganda for the church. -
Period: May 14, 750 to May 15, 1258
Islam: The Abbasid Empire
Period: May 14, 750 to May 15, 887
France: The Carolingian Dynasty
Dynasty of Frankish aristocrats that established rule in Western Europe -
Period: May 14, 800 to May 15, 1192
Islam: Seljuk Dynasty
A dynasty centered in modern- day Turkey that took over the Holy Land during the 9th century who threatened the Byzantine Empire with their existence. -
Dec 25, 800
France: Charlemagne is crowned by Pope
This event gave Pope more power, especially over emperors. -
May 14, 849
England: Alfred the Great
Alive from 849-899 CE, philosopher prince that translated Roman work to Anglo Saxons. -
Mar 9, 900
Germanic Tribes: Beowulf
A literary epic poem that reflects Anglo Saxons' culture and values. Written in the 10th century, Beowulf depicts religious syncretism between Christianity and Norse Mythology. -
May 14, 1054
Byzantine: Schism between Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic
Along with this separation of both churches, followed a series of excommunications from the Popes of both churches. -
May 14, 1066
England: Norman Invasion of England
The Norman invasion lead up to the Battle of Hastings, in which the Normans won and this lead to their conquest. With their rule, they helped make the feudal system stronger as well as brought stone castles to England. The Bayeux Tapestry depicts all of the events that lead up to the Norman invasion of England. -
May 14, 1071
Middle Ages: Pope Urban's Speech at Council of Clermont
A speech given by Pope Urban II at the time, stating reasons for Crusaders to go on a crusade. These reasons include that the Muslims are invading, to reclaim the holy land, the population is too large with scarce food, to go get land since landless lords need some, and to repent your sins. -
Period: May 14, 1189 to May 15, 1192
Middle Ages: Third Crusade
Crusade to reconquer Holy Land from Saladin -
May 14, 1200
Germanic Tribes & Early Christian : Prose Edda
An old text that tells of Norse mythology written by Snorri Sturlson that depicts the Norse god Thor, who reflects Germanic qualities of short- tempered, boastful, arrogant, brave, and strong. In the Prose Edda, Snorri Sturlson mentions how "man lost the name of God" as a free pass to talk about pagan religion without being persecuted at the time. -
Period: May 14, 1202 to May 15, 1204
Middle Ages: Fourth Crusade
Crusade called by Pope Innocent III to conquer Jerusalem going through Egypt. -
May 14, 1212
Middle Ages: Children's Crusade
Event where thousands of young people set out to recover Jerusalem from the Muslims. -
Period: May 14, 1217 to May 15, 1221
Middle Ages: Fifth Crusade
A crusade led to reclaim holy land by first conquering the Ayyubid state in Egypt. -
Period: May 14, 1228 to May 15, 1229
Middle Ages: Sixth Crusade
Launched by Frederick II, after the failure of the 5th crusade, which involved very little fighting. -
Period: May 14, 1248 to May 15, 1254
Middle Ages: Seventh Crusade
Called by Pope Innocent IV, after the fall of Jerusalem in 1244. -
May 14, 1270
Middle Ages: Eighth Crusade
A crusade launched by King Louis IX of France. -
Period: May 14, 1271 to May 15, 1272
Middle Ages: Ninth Crusade
Started by future Edward I of England, considered the last major Crusade. -
May 14, 1325
Islam: Ibn Battuta left on pilgrimage to Mecca
Went on pilgrimage to Mecca but ended up traveling all over Asia and recorded his travels in a book which he published which translates to "Travels". -
May 14, 1453
Middle Ages: Ottoman Empire Takes Constantinople
Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Army, under Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II -
Germanic Tribes & Early Christian: The Sacking of Rome by Alaric
Middle Ages: Christians take Jerusalem in First Crusade
Islam: Ali is murdered, creating Sunni/ Shia split
England: The House of Wessex (Alfred to Edward the Congessor)
Middle Ages: Population Growth (in Europe after ice age)