The Crusades

By Emyli C
  • 1093

    The Arabs Take Control

    The Arabs Take Control
    The Arabs allowed Christian and Jewish pilgrims to visit Jerusalem. Jews and Christians could live in Palestine as long as they paid their taxes like everyone else.
  • 1093

    The Invaders

    The Invaders
    Byzantine Emperor named Alexius Comnenus ask for help against invaders. The Muslim Turks were trying to take over the Byzantine capital of Constinoble
  • 1095

    A New Group of Arabs Take Control of Jerusalem

    They closed the city to Jewish and Christian pilgrims. Then began trying to invade the Byzantine empire.
  • 1095

    Pope Urban II Responds

    Pope Urban II read the letter in Nov. 1095 asking for help and called for a “holy war” or crusades.
  • 1096

    First Crusade

    Unprepared troops
  • 1099

    First Crusade Ends

    Captured Jerusalem
    Carved in up into 4 Crusader states
  • 1147

    Second Crusade

    Muslim leader Saladin takes control of Jerusalem
  • 1149

    Second Crusade Ends

    Muslim Turks re-conquer the city
    Saladin is described, to be honest, and brave
  • 1189

    Third Crusade

    Richard the Lion-Hearted = English King and two other leaders fail to recapture Jerusalem