The Crusades

  • 1093

    The call for help

    The call for help
    Byzantine Emperor (Alexius Comnenus) asked for help against the invaders.
  • 1095

    1095 a new group takes over

    1095 a new group takes over
    A new group of arabs took over and stopped christians and jewish pilgrims.
  • 1096

    first crusade

    first crusade
    everything falling apart they capture jerusalem
  • 1099

    The end of the first crusade

    The end of the first crusade
    The end of the first crusade also known as the most successful
  • 1149

    start of the second crusade

    start of the second crusade
    The muslim reconquer the city
  • 1149

    the end of second crusade

    the end of second crusade
    The second crusade was a loss wasn't as successful as the first.
  • 1189

    Third crusades

    Third crusades
    They fail again to recapture jerusalem.
  • 1192

    End of third crusades

    End of third crusades
    They stilled failed to recapture
  • 1202

    start of the Fourth crusade

    start of the Fourth crusade
    Crusades attack Constantinople instead
    Stole statues, money, paintings and jewelry