The Crusades 1092-1453

  • 1093

    The Invaders

    The Invaders
    Alexius Communes the Byzantine Emperor asks for help against the Muslim Turks aka The Ottoman Turks.
  • 1095

    Arabs Take Over Jerusalem

    Arabs Take Over Jerusalem
    The Arabs closed off the city to just Jewish & Christian pilgrims only.
  • 1095

    The Pope Responds

    The Pope Responds
    Pope Urban II read the letter of help for the "Holy War" or Crusade, and because you were promised a spot in heaven so 30,000 men took up the offer.
  • Period: 1096 to 1099

    The First Crucade

    These troops were unprepared with no strategy, but they captured Jerusalem which was carved up into 4 Crusader States.
  • Period: 1147 to 1149

    The Second Crusade

    Saladin captured Jerusalem so the Crusaders where like oh heck no you don't we gonna take that back.
  • Period: 1189 to 1192

    Third Crusade

    Richard the lion hearted and to other kings fail miserably at recapturing Jerusalem.
  • Period: 1202 to 1204

    The Fourth Crucade

    The Crusades's decide they want to attack Constantinople, stole a bunch of valuables, and made an excuse for why they did it.
  • 1212

    Children's Crusade

    Children's Crusade
    Thousand of French children tried to get to Jerusalem. They thought God would help him because they were children. Causes of death included Freezing to death, starving, and lets just say they couldn't part the Mediterranean sea. Remaining children forced to return home.
  • 1453

    In the End (When it didn't even matter)

    In the End (When it didn't even matter)
    The Muslim Turks won and took over Byzantine.