Cruasade picture

The crusades

  • Jun 1, 1096

    The Recruiting

    The Recruiting
    The Holy Lands were a place where Christians journeyed untill the Mueslims took control of the land. This enraged the Christians and thus started the fist crusade. The priests and others said that if you particapate in the crusade your sins would be forgiven and you would go to heaven. It was then people were given a reason to fight besides glory and discovering unknown lands.
  • Feb 25, 1097

    Edessa captured

    Edessa captured
    The crusaders capturd Edessa from the mueslims.
  • Feb 25, 1144

    They fight back!

    They fight back!
    The mueslims decided because that the crusaders captured Edessa they would fight back and declare a holy war against them.
  • Feb 25, 1187

    3rd times the charm

    3rd times the charm
    Pope Gregory the VII called for the 3rd crusade.
  • Feb 25, 1187

    A newcomer has come!

    A newcomer has come!
    Saladin was a man who had united tribes of mueslim people and became King of Egypt and later captured Jerusalem in 1187.
  • Feb 25, 1191

    Another victory!

    Another victory!
    The crusaders had captured Arce.
  • Feb 25, 1198

    You dirty looters!

    You dirty looters!
    A group of Crusaders were sent on a mission to capture Jerusalem but instead decided to loot the christian city Constinople.
  • Feb 25, 1229

    Jerusalem is ours!

    Jerusalem is ours!
    After 31 years the crusaders had captured Jerusalem.
  • Feb 25, 1244


    15 years ironically the Crusaders had lost Jerusalem.
  • Feb 25, 1291

    Not Again!

    The crusaders lose Acre.