That Young Timeline My Guy

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    On December 20th around 7 or 8 am in 1999, my parents gave birth to me. (No the picture isn't me)
  • I got sent home early from elementary school lol

    I got sent home early from elementary school lol
    We were waiting in line to go back to class and I told my friend Marco to bite my arm and he did. He got in trouble and I got sent home scotch free without getting in trouble.
  • Start of my last four years of high school

    Walking onto WestWood's campus and just feeling the difference from Jr. High made me happy to think I only had four more years to go until I get my diploma.
  • Parents got divorced

    Parents got divorced
    Summer of Sophomore year my parents were constantly arguing. Until one day my mom sat me down and told me her and my dad were getting a divorce because they couldn't handle the arguing anymore.
  • Found out I should go into Journalism

    Found out I should go into Journalism
    Writing has always been easy for me and it's how i get my mind off things so I decided to look into journalism programs and now im committed to be a journalist.
  • Going through school after my parents divorced

    Going through school after my parents divorced
    After my parents divorced my Junior year started the following August. That year turned out to be my hardest year cause I was dealing with emotions and school at the same time. I almost got way off track from graduating but I saved myself.
  • start of my final year in high schol

    start of my final year in high schol
    Senior year has started. I am ready to graduate and move on to college to start studying Journalism
  • Watched my favorite basketball team play

    Watched my favorite basketball team play
    Almost halfway through the Nba season the Cleveland Cavaliers came to Phoenix to play the Suns. Luckily my dad knew how much I liked the Cavs so he bought us tickets to go watch the game. I was so happy to finally see them play.
  • Went to my favorite artist's concert

    Went to my favorite artist's concert
    Waited in line for an hour or two at club red and when I finally got inside the venue, I was filled with joy. I was literally two feet away from Lil Peep on his last concert in Mesa, Arizona.

    Last day of being a high school senior and just ready to get my diploma and walk.