Thairi Atkins US1 chapter 7

  • Spinning Jenny invented

    -Cotton spinning machine for converting raw cotton into thread
    -These machines were used to mass produce textiles
  • Samuel slater smuggles plans to America

    -Worked 6 years in an English textile mill
    -Learned the workings of the cotton spinning machine
    -Came to the U.S. using a disguise in 1789
    -Established his own mill in Pawtucket, Rhode Island
    -New England is the first to industrialize
    -Agriculture was not profitable in New England
  • Cotton Gin invented

    -Also known as the cotton engine
    -Accelerated the expansion of slavery in the South
    -With a great demand for cotton in England and in the Northern states,
    -Southern farmers needed an efficient
    machine for cleaning the cotton -Made it possible for Southern farmers,
    both slave owning and non slave
    owning, to grow cotton for a profit
  • Steam engine patented

    -Thomas Savery, an engineer and inventor, patented a machine that could effectively draw water from flooded mines using steam pressure
  • Period: to

    Monroe's Presidency

    -President James Monroe is elected President easily in 1816. -Serves two terms (1817-1825)
    -No real competition for the Democratic-Republican Party.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    -When the population of a territory reached 60,000 that territory was able to request to become a state
    -When Missouri requested statehood, issues arose due to it wanting to become a slave state
    -In 1818, the U.S. had 11 free states and 10 slave states
    -Southerners expected Missouri to admitted as a slave state
  • Period: to

    Presidency of John Quincy Adams

    -Hero of Battle of New Orleans in War of 1812. -Jackson clearly won the popular vote but lack a majority
    of electoral votes in the 1824 election -The House of Representatives were given the responsibility to decide the outcome of the election
  • Erie Canal Completed

    -Completed October 26th, 1825
    -The first and most successful of the artificial waterways
    -Designed to link the western markets to the eastern manufacturing -Lead to the building of over 3,000 miles of canals by 1840
  • Period: to

    Presidency of Andrew Jackson

    -No formal education
    -Relied on himself to become a lawyer,
    planter, and soldier -He became the savior of the country with his
    win at the Battle of New Orleans -Conqueror of the British, Native Americans and the Spanish
  • Period: to

    The trail of tears

    -Cherokee removal began in October/November of 1838
    -Sped up because gold was found on their land -The 800 mile trip was made mostly by foot -Of the Cherokee, more than ¼ of those who started the
    journey died -Over all, ½ of the total number of Native Americans that were moved died during the journey
  • The Panic of 1837

    -Splitting up Second Bank of U.S. and diverting its funds
    into many smaller banks meant no central control. -no stopping each bank for printing a copy of all the
    nation’s money for itself. -Inflation jumps up prices over 1300%
  • Period: to

    The nullification Crisis

    The Indian Removal
    -When national and state powers conflicted on
    dealing with Native Americans, Jackson was on the
    side of the states
    South Carolina
    -The States Rights party attempted to directly
    challenge Jackson over the Federal Tariff Policy