Terrible Toddlers

  • birth

  • Physical Development 13-15 months

    Physical Development 13-15 months
    -May stand alone without support
    -Crawls over small barriers
    -Can sit in a small chair for a short amount of time
    -Improved grasping skills
    -Can open small boxes
    -May try to turn doorknobs
  • Intellectual Development 13-15 months

    Intellectual Development 13-15 months
    -Explores different features
    -Discovers ability to make things happen
    -Begins to form concepts
    -May use sound to indicate objects
    -Babbles with expression
    -Responds to their name
  • Physical Development 16 to 18 months

    Physical Development  16 to 18 months
    -May be able to walk sideways
    -squats down smoothly
    -Improve throwing motions Small
    -Likes to grab anything
    -begins to scribble
    - Builds tower of three cubes
  • Intellectual Development 16 to 18 months

    Intellectual Development  16 to 18 months
    -Has short attentions span
    -Identifies simple pictures
    -Gradually refines concepts Language
    -Vocabulary increases
    -Says "no" more often
    -Identifies objects
  • Physical Development 19 to 21 months

    Physical Development 19 to 21 months
    -Runs without falling often
    -Hangs from bar, grasping with hands
    -Loves to jump, run, and climb Small
    -Hold two objects in hand
    -Can fold pieces of paper
    -Uses one hand more than the other
  • Intellectual Development 19 to 21 months

    Intellectual Development 19 to 21 months
    -Can remember familiar objects
    -Looks at books for long period of time
    -Learns to distinguish Language
    -Has 20 words of vocabulary
    -Responds to speech with speech
    -Constantly ask why
  • Physical Development 22 to 24 months

    Physical Development 22 to 24 months
    -Walks with coordination
    -Bounces and sways in simple dancing
    -Jumps with both feet off the floor Small
    -Shows increased coordinations
    -Can put several block together
    -Likes to play with modeling clay
  • Intellectual Development 22 to 24 months

    Intellectual Development 22 to 24 months
    -Is curious about objects in the environment
    -May be able to recall what is lost and find it
    -May be able to draw crude pictures Language
    -Has 50 words for vocabulary
    -Interested in sound
    -Ask for food when hungry
  • Physical Development 24 to 30 months

    Physical Development 24 to 30 months
    -enjoys running but cant measure sudden stops
    -can climb on jungle gyms
    -can kick balls forward Small
    -can remove wrapping from candy or gum
    -can carefully turn pages in a book
  • Intellectual Development 24-30 months

    Intellectual Development 24-30 months
    -likes to listen to tapes
    -able to plan a play activity
    -enjoy drawing
    -able to solve problems Language:
    -vocabulary goes from 200 words to 500 words
    -refers to themselves by name
    -good at using their words for anything they want or need
  • Physical Development 30-36 months

    Physical Development 30-36 months
    -Enjoys games with running
    -Throws ball over his/her head
    -Catches large ball with arms and hands Small
    -Draws circles
    -Take objects apart and puts them back together
    -Eats with a fork
  • Intellectual Development 30-36 months

    Intellectual Development 30-36 months
    -Begins to classify objects
    -Becomes more skilled at puzzles
    -Recognizes self in photos Language
    -Vocabulary is 500 words
    -May use prepositions
    -Understand relative size
  • Toddler Video