Technology use Progression in the early 1970s

By TInoue
  • First IBM Computer to use Semiconductor Memory

    First IBM Computer to use Semiconductor Memory
    IBM decided to depart from using magnetic core memory technology and start using Semiconductor memory. On their IBM System 370 Model 145 mainframe computer they made first use of this which allowed the computer to use half the space to store the same amount of data when compared to the more common computer using core memory.
  • Pascal programming language is introduced

    Pascal programming language is introduced
    Professor Niklaus Wirth Developed the programming language Pascal. It's main purpose was to be used in not only commercial applications but also scientific ones. It was also supposed to be simple enough to teach programming techniques to college students. The language was named after Blaise Pascal.
  • The first commercial home video game console The Magnavox Odyssey

    The first commercial home video game console The Magnavox Odyssey
    Ralph H. Baer and his small team succeed in making the first commercial home game console and it is formally released to the public. It's controller had to sit on a table and were operated using two knobs on the side. The console could play very simple games like what we know today as Pong.
  • SRI International and Shakey the Robot

    SRI International and Shakey the Robot
    The first robot controlled by artificial Intelligence was introduced by SRI International called Shakey the Robot. It used a problem solving program called STRIPS, It would find its way through halls by using its environment to make a route. It used a camera and bump sensors to make a path. A computer would send commands to Shakey over a radio link.
  • The Amdahl Corporation releases its first product

    The Amdahl Corporation releases its first product
    The Amdahl Corporation was the first real competitor to IBM in the 1970s. It was founded by Gene Amdahl and competed in Mainframe Computer Systems. They released the 470V/6 as their first computer product and ran the same systems and one of IBM's machines yet it was smaller in size and faster.