Gameboy Colour
This was one of the first technological gadgets I ever owned. It allowed me to play portable video games and connect with multiple friends to interact together. -
I first became confident in using computers in primary 1. These computers allowed me to connect to the internet and search for cross-curricular games which enhanced my learning experience in the classroom. -
First becoming present in classrooms when I started Primary 4, smartboards helped enhance my learning experience by providing an environment suitable for active learning. Using the various functions, I could play educational games, browse the internet, practice my spelling and much more. -
Think,com introduced me to blogging back in Primary 4. It provided a webspace for me which I could interact with my peers through wall posts, quizzes, photos and lots more. It was a good platform for me to stay in contact with my schoolmates outwith class. -
MSN Messenger
In alignment with Think,com, MSN provided another platform for me to interact with my friends over the internet. It introduced me to videocalling and meant I could have face-to-face conversations with friends and family all over the world. -
First mobile phone
Possessing my own mobile phone enabled me to contact friends and family outside of the house and take photos and videos using the integrated camera function. -
Youtube was one of the first platforms that enabled me to search for any video I was interested in watching. I also used it as an educational tool and watched maths videos when preparing for my standard grade and higher exams. -
Bebo was similar to Think.com in that it allowed me to post blogs and photos to a wide array of people. It gave me the opportunity to become friends with people who were starting the same secondary school which helped me settle in easier. -
Facebook is a great platform for me to share my identity with those I chose. It makes keeping in contact with friends and family easy and makes me aware of social events that are happening in places around me. The group chat function allows me to talk to numerous people at once which is ideal for discussing matters at work or University coursework. -
Xbox 360
The Xbox 360 was the first platform I managed to connect to online on enabling me to simultaneously talk and play with up to 7 friends at a time. Although it did perhaps distract me from my studies in early secondary school, I made friends and connected with people online I most likely wouldn't have otherwise -
Twitter is my main social hub for digital interaction. I can follow and keep up to date with everyone and thing in the world that interests me. The retweet function allows me to share tweets with people who follow me and the favourite function lets me keep a tab of tweets which I want to refer back to. -
Instagram allows me to view photos people have shared and share photos of my own. -
Allowing users to create 6 second videos, vine allows me to hashtag and share these to people all over the world. I use it predominantly to upload clips of live music events I've been to which helps me connect to people with similar tastes. One video I uploaded back in 2013 received over 1000 likes and 600 revines, reaching out to over 200,000 people. -
Online Banking
Santander's online banking app enables me to check my bank balance and make monetary transactions on the go. If I owe a friend money or they owe me some, we can quickly settle the debt by using this app.