technology timeline project By bryanmendoza695 Nov 25, 1937 Harvard mark 1 sourceit was build by IBM May 12, 1941 kuran kuda Sourceit was a early build computer by the german enginner koran Dec 8, 1942 Anatasoff berry computer source Atansoff-berry computer was made by a proffeser John Vincent. Dec 24, 1945 Z4 sourcewas like Z3 but better by having electromechanical machin Apr 18, 1965 RCA source RCA was bulid in 1965 and RCA was agianst IBM. Jul 23, 1977 ALtiar 8800 source was desigh in 1977 and sold a thousand which spark the microcomputer revolution Jul 23, 1985 The amiga source a 1000 were sold and the maker names was Jay minor Oct 5, 1991 linux sourcesourceIt is an operating system and an open and was free software. Apr 7, 1996 arpanet the first internet sourceThe arpanet was the first network and war developed Oct 24, 1997 deep blue sourcesourcedeep blue became the first computer to beat world campion