Z3 computer
The Z3 computer was a computer that was built by a German engineer named Konrad Zuse. He used 2300 relayes and had 22 bits word length. The original Z3 was destroyed in a bombing in 1943 but Konrad built it back in the 1960s. -
Harvard Mark-1
The harvard mark 1 was a full room sized computer that was conceived by Harvard Aiken but was built by the IBM. The machine was 50 feet long and had thousands of component parts. The machine was used to make mathmatical tables. -
ERA 1101
The ERA in Minneapolis built the first commercially built computer. The computer could hold 1000 bits. The drums could store 4000 words and retreive them in as little as 5000 a second -
Magnetic Core
The magnetic core was built by Jay Foster at MIT.The core made the computer faster, reliable, and easier to make. The core was conected to the whirlwind computer. -
Rancho Arm
The Rancho Arm in Rancho Los Amigos was used in the hospital. It was used to help the handicapped. The six jointes the arm had made it as flexible as a human arm. -
6600 Supercomputer
The 6600 was an instruction making computer that made up to 3 million instructions per second. It was known to be the fastest computer in the world at that time. It was designed by Seymour Cray. -
Tentecle Arm
The tentecle arm was a robot arm it was developed by Marvin Minskey. It could lift the weight of a human and could move like a octopus. A PDP-6 controlled the arm but hydralic fluids powered it. -
TV Typewriter
The TV typewriter was designed by Don Lancaster. It could generate and store 512 characters as 16 lines of 32 characters. It was made of 2 memory boards and $120 worth of component parts. -
Apple 1
The Apple 1 was designed by Steve Wozniak. It was based on a single motherboard. Adding on to this c;omputer he built Apple Computer, Inc. The Apple 1 sold 200 before the Apple 2 was built. -
Vax 11/780
The Vax 11/780 was featured to address up to 4.3 gigabites. designed by Digital Equipment Corp. It provided 100s of captivity. -
Apple Makintosh
The Makintosh was the first mouse driven computer. With a single commercial in 1984 during the Super Bowl it became popular. It included many features and sold for the price of $2,400. -
Mosaic Web Browser
The Mosaic was the first allowed access to the internet. It was designed by Eric Bina and Marc Andreessen. It ran on Windows, Mac OS, and much more. -
Iomega Zip Disk
The Iomega was a storage device. Earlier it aloud 100MB but later it aloud 2GB. It increaced the disk captivity too. -
Timeline Bibliography