Differential Analyzer
Made by Vannevar Bush and Harold Locke Hazen. The differential analyzer was the first large-scale, automatic, general purpose, mechanical analogue computer. It was invented to solve differential equations by integration. -
Z1 Computer
Invented by Konrad Zuse. The Z1 was the first programmable computer and could easily add and subtract. -
Turing Machine
Invented by Alan Turing. The Turing machine is the original basis of what we know as a computer today. The Turing Machine is a machine that can compute anything that could be computed. -
Model K Adder
Invented by George Stibitz. The Model K Adder applied Boolean logic to computer design. The machine could add up two binary numbers. This model would later evolve into the Model I Complex Calculator. -
Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)
Invented by John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry. The ABC was the first electronic computer, but it was not programmable. It was designed to solve systems of linear equations and could solve up to 29 equations at a time.