Period: to
20th century
The diner's credit card established
The Diner's credit card was established in 1950 and was the first credit card to be offered which could be used in multiple businesses. This would soon lead to many of the credit cards we see today such as American Express and the Visa card in 1958. -
Bar code creation
The first bar code was created in oct. of 1952 by Joseph Woodland and Bernard Silver. Although this first model was not effective, they went on to modify their invention eventually developing the modern bar code. -
The first H bomb tested
After much controversy, the development of the first thermonucular weapon, the Hydrogen Bomb began. Just a couple years later on November the 1st, it was tested. It shocked all those involved by its sheer power. When compared to the first atomic bomb dropped on japan, the H-bomb was over 450 times more powerfull. -
The invention of the first transistors
John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain, and William Shockley developed the first transistors leading to many technological developments including of course, the transistor radio. -
Float glass invented
In 1959, the technique for creating glass panes changed. Before 1959, glass panes were formed by rolling hot glass through two rollers creating an uneaven but cheap glass pane. But with the creation of the float glass method, molten glass would be melted on a vat of liquid tin creating a thin even sheet of glass. -
The development of the micro-chip
The first Micro-chip or Integrated Circuit was created. This opened up for technological advancements by shrinking the size of the components needed in their construction. -
IBM's SABRE system installed in American Airlines
In 1960, IBM created the SABRE (Semi-Automated Business Research Environment) system for American Airlines. This system enabled them to process thousands of customers in a fraction of the time. IBM later developed similar systems for the other major airlines revolutionizing the airline industry. -
The first commercial satellite is launched
The ARPAnet opens
The ARPAnet or Internet as it later became, is a series of interconnective networks allowing the transmission of information from one computer to another. It was first created for use by the military, but once opened to the public expanded tremendously. -
lunar landing
First automated teller machines
invention of the microprocessor
In 1971, the company Intel introduced the worlds first single chip microprocessor; combining the central processing unit, memory, input controls, and output controls on one chip. This saved a significant amount of space over conventional machines and enabled the creation of small, personal technology not possible before. In addition, the chip exceeded it's predecessors in both power and storage. -
Cell phones created
Martin Cooper makes the first call from a portable cellular device such as the "cell phones" we have today. -
Ethernet invented
The invention of the ethernet in 1973 provided for greater security and protection in businesses worldwide -
Microsoft Windows established
The now famous Microsoft Windows was announced in 1983 and was the most inovative step towards graphical user interfacing of its time. -
New Superconductors found
In 1987 scientists found a perovskite based material that superconducted at almost twice the temperature of any previous superconductor. A super conductor is a material that when cooled cunducts electricity perfectly without resistance.
http://www.superconductors.org/ -
The Hubble telescope launch
<a href='http://hubblesite.org/' >Spectacular pictures of stars, galaxies, nebulae and more The Hubble was one of the greatest steps man has taken to understanding the universe. -
HTML created
Computer language HTML created
http://www.computerhope.com/learnhtm.htm -
Mosaic web browser released
The mosaic web browser allowed the general population to search the internet for the first time. -
Human Genome Sequenced
Through a process known as genetic sequencing, Craig Vinter and his company started and three years later, successfully completed the mapping of the human Genome